You're the problem

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Yesss i know i was supposed to be taking a break but i just started writing down ideas in my notebook and a story hit me. Now this maybe be my last one before my little break so enjoy. 

JJ pov: 

I saw her dashing smile from across the hall, it was contagious it made everything bad thing inside of you go away. She clutched he textbooks in her hands tightly making her knuckles pale. "Hey man don't you have practice?" i question slipping my hand behind her waist bringing her close to my side. Step one complete. 

His eyes widened while his face turn paper white, What's worse was the fear he expressed how sweat would bead off his forehead and how he would stutter before stumbling away knocking other students over. 

"Thank you" she releases a breath she was holding, i shrug "No really how can i repay you for basically helping me". 

 God she was persistent. 

And that's what made me fall in love with her. How she was devoted on being passionate about the simplest as they come. She will always be the one. 

And me? 

Well me i wasn't a maybe 

I was the one.

Step two was already in motion. 

"Maybe you can help me study for the upcoming chemistry test we have going on, on friday" She beams knowing that i wasn't going to bombard her with dinner dates and phone numbers. 

She was classic and i liked that. 

Her Pov: 

I'm not really sure How i got dragged into his mess. Before he was a simple and kind guy which led to a more complicated jj.  Way before him i was heartbroken until now. I'd never hate him and certaintly i never will. People warned me to stay away from him. While parents grounded me from not seeing him which made me rebel from my parents wishes. Until now i'd realized everyone else wasn't the problem getting in the way of our relationship. 

It was him. 

I'd fallen in love with a manipulator. 

I should hate him for everything he has caused but a part of me couldn't let him go. "I hate you" i choke out giving him our promise ring i flip over his hand and place it there. He sighs "No you don't" 

I angrily wipe my tears away 

"I should......I should hate you" 

"why would you want me?, I'm a problem don't you see" i sob out 

Exactly. He thought 

The third and final step 


"you were an easy target darling" he strokes her stained cheek. 

You're the problem. 

I don't want to solve.

i want you to go away. 

Knowing you will always.


Come back. 

Jj ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now