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My eyes widened. I only loved him and I couldn't think of anybody else in his place. I said "It's not what you think. It's a 'thank you' hug."

"'Thank you' hug for what?" He asked shouting.

"He spoke to the director for me about coming to the party. The director didn't allow me at first. Because of Jungkook I can now come to the party and enjoy with you guys."

"For that you don't need to hug him!"

"It's not like I've never hugged him. We've been close since when we were young. You know that cause we all have been. You know that we hug each other a lot too. What difference does it make now?"

"I know that we do. But then, you're now mine. You're mine."

"I don't understand. Just because I'm your girlfriend doesn't mean I'm not close with the others. They're family. We are a family."

"Jina, why can you understand my feelings? Why can't you understand that it hurts me when you hug somebody else?"

"Why don't you understand that hugs are common between us?"

"Okay, why can't you see that we've grown up?"

 I couldn't control it anymore. "You've hugged many girls too!" I yelled.

Jimin was in awe. He stepped back and left from the place immediately. I turned towards Jungkook and saw his eyes. They were filled with tears. I consoled "Hey, don't cry. It's alright. Everything's gonna be alright."

"Yeah, okay."

He turned back and walked away. I thought- What have I done?

I left home. I got ready for the party and sat on my couch. I felt like not going to the party. My phone rang. I answered the call and said "Hello?"

"Hey Jina, it's me Taehyung."

"Oh, hey Taehyung oppa."

"Yeah. Ummm....Where are you?"

"I'm at home. Why you're asking that now?"

"Well then great! I'm waiting for you in front of your house to take you to the party."

I opened my curtains and saw him standing next to his car. I said "Hey, Taehyung oppa, you can leave. I will come after wards."

"Yoongi asked me to pick you up. That's why I'm here."

I sighed out heavily and said "Okay, I will be there in five minutes."

I locked my house door and entered the car. Taehyung started driving the car. I was still upset. He saw me not speaking anything and being dull. He started "Hey what's with that face?" I didn't answer. He continued "Is it about Jimin?" I nodded and said "I'm so bad, right? I shouldn't have said that he hugs many girls too. Above all I shouldn't have hugged Jungkook. I hate myself. I feel so bad now." I said, crying.

"Hey Jina, don't cry. You are not bad at all. Jimin is blessed to have you. You're so kind and gentle. And don't say that you hate yourself. You have to love yourself. These are just small problems. This is a small misunderstanding. That's it. You see once you enter the hall, he will hug you and apologise for what he did."

"He didn't do anything. I did everything. If I wouldn't have hugged Jungkook that time then there shouldn't have been any problem."

"Don't worry. Jimin will come back to you."

"You think so?"

"Well, he should."

We reached the party hall. I entered the hall and saw all the idols. Most of them had come. I never expected most of the idols to come there. I saw Yoongi and I walked towards him with a smile. I handed over my gift to him and said "Happy Birthday Yoongi!"

"Thank you. Thanks for coming here."

"How can I not come for my brother's birthday?"

"Okay, now let's party."

I took out my autograph book and started taking the idol's autograph. I saw Jungkook with IU and I saw Lisa looking at Jungkook. I was sitting at a corner of the hall until when I saw Jimin. I ran towards him and hugged me from behind. He pushed me away and turned his back on me. I wanted to cry out really loud but I couldn't. I bowed down my head in pain. I started regretting for what I had done back there. Taehyung saw me being sad. He stood in front of me and said "I saw what happened just now."

"I don't know what to do Taehyung oppa."

He pulled me for a hug and stroked my hair. I left out a few tears. He said "Hey, don't worry Jina. Everything's going to be alright. He will come back for you."

"I still have a little hope."

"Good, now let's dance."

"No, you go. I'm not coming."

"Ugh! Just come." he said pulling me to the dance floor. The DJ played 'On'. Taehyung, Hoseok, Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jungkook and I were dancing for the song. Even though I wore quite a tight dress, I was still able to dance all the steps except the jumping steps. Then the DJ played 'Idol'. For this song, all the idols joined the dance floor. 

Everyone was enjoying but Jimin and IU seemed to be missing. After the dance I felt very thirsty. I asked the waiter for water but he told that they were out of water. He told me that if I really needed water then I had to go to the third floor and there I will see a tank of water or he could bring it for me. I didn't want to tire himself for just bringing me water so I went by myself to the third floor. I saw the tank next to a room.

 I took a glass, filled it with water and started sipping it slowly. I heard voices from the room. I went closer to the room and placed my ear on the door, trying to figure out whose voices were those. I figured the voices right away and I opened the door. I was shocked. I dropped my glass down and it shattered into pieces. I heard another glass breaking into pieces. I turned around and saw Jungkook. He was shocked too. We both stood shocked in front of the room.   

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