Chapter- 7

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"Because I don't want you to feel alone. When you have us, why should you be alone?"

"This is why I left you." a voice said.

We both looked in front to see who it was. It was Jimin. We both stood up. Jimin chuckled and said "This is why I left you."

"What?" I asked.

"See, even after leaving you you're still with him. You're always with him. You care for him so much and I know that you love him more than me."

I was speechless. Jungkook shouted "Hyung!"

"What? Are you burning up? Jina, you tell me.... who's the real betrayer, you or me?"

My eyes were filled with tears. "Tell me!" Jimin shouted.

"Oh, so this is why you left me. You left me because I was with Jungkook." I said, sniffing out.

"Jina, are you-" I cut Jungkook in between and shouted "Hear me out now Jimin. I will never ever love another guy in my life nor I will be getting married. I promise."

"Oh, really? How am I supposed to believe that?" Jimin asked.

"If you had known me well then you might have also known this too that-" Jungkook cut me in between and said, bowing down his head, "That she never breaks promises."

I lifted up my right thumb, pointing towards Jungkook and said "See, he knows more than you."

"Yeah, I see that very well. You see I'm gonna make you cry for what you did to me." Jimin said.

"Well, I didn't do anything. You have misunderstood me. You think that I love JK more than you but that's not true. I loved only-" Jimin cut me in between and said "I don't wanna hear you say that you love me. You're a liar. I will make you pay for betraying me."

"We'll see about that. I've made a promise and I won't break it." I said, confidently.

"Let's see whether you keep up to your promise or break it." Jimin said.

"Mr. Park Jimin, I always keep up to my promises." I said, snapping.

Jimin laughed weakly and walked away. I turned towards Jungkook and saw that he was still bowing down his head. I asked "Hey, what's wrong? Are you sick now?"

"No, I'm not."


He sat on the bench slowly and looked at me. He asked "Why did you make such a promise?"

"Why? It's okay. There's-."

"No, it's not okay. You can't make such a promise to get him back. Look, he's not going to come back for you nor IU's going to come back for me. We have to move on. You have to move on."

"Look, I understand. I know he's not going to come back for me. I made that promise because I don't wanna get betrayed again. I've already been betrayed twice. I would rather be single than getting betrayed again and again."

"But Jina-"

"Look, the promise is made and it's not going to be changed. I want to show him that I'm strong not a weakling. I'm not gonna cry for him anymore."

I got up from the bench and walked away. Jungkook shouted out my name but I didn't turn back. I walked towards my car and drove back to my house. I felt that I was doing the right thing but Jungkook was against me. I couldn't understand why. I reached my house and saw Jungkook standing in front of my doorstep. I ran towards him and pushed him inside my house. I shouted "What are you doing here at this hour? Don't you know if you're out like this you might attract the media?"

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