Chapter- 15

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I got shocked. I was speechless. My body stiffened. I looked at him, eyes widening. He lifted up his face a bit. His eyes were half closed. His dark brown bangs covered his forehead. His dark brown orbs slightly shown. I looked at him in the eyes. He came closer towards me. The space between us was reducing till there was no space between us. I backed myself from him but he kept getting closer and closer the more I backed away.

I looked away from him and looked out of the window, trying to avoid eye contact with him. He cupped my cheek and said "You love me too, right?"

I wanted to tell him something but the words were stuck down my throat. Before even I could process everything going on, Taehyung pecked my cheek and fell asleep on my shoulder again. I was still shocked. I froze. I looked at him again and saw that he was sleeping soundly on my shoulder. I leaned against the wall next to the window and slept.

Jungkook's pov

It was midnight and I wanted to use the toilet. I woke up and stretched my body. I used the toilet and came out. I turned towards my right and something caught my eye. Or rather I would say someone. I saw Taehyung sleeping on Jina's shoulder. I was feeling jealous.

Why is Tae hyung sleeping on her shoulder? And how did she allow him to?

I couldn't see this anymore. I wanted to do something. I stood in front of Jina and pushed her a little bit away from the wall. I held her face in my hands. Her lips puckered. I felt like kissing her. I brought my face close to hers. I looked at her facial features thoroughly. Suddenly, I heard Taehyung groan and tightening his grip on her. I pulled my face back and sat next to her. And placed her head carefully on my shoulder. I leaned against the wall. I was about to sleep until when I felt a pair of hands snake around my waist. I looked down and saw Jina's hands hugging my waist.

I blushed. Then she blurted out "Softie!" I chuckled at her cuteness. I said softly "Softie, huh? Cute!" I closed my eyes and remembered the first time I met her.


[7 years ago]

It was midnight and I couldn't sleep. I was still a trainee and I was fifteen years old. In a month, I was about to debut. I was sleeping next to Namjoon hyung. I didn't eat that night. Our managers had told us not to eat for the night. I felt really hungry. I kept rolling on the bed in hunger. I even ended up kicking Namjoon hyung a few times. He would groan in pain. I got off the bed and sneaked out of the room to get something to eat from the pantry. I tip- toed to the pantry slowly. I opened the door slowly and peeked. It was dark and the moonlight was entering from the window. I entered the pantry and closed the door slowly.

I was opening drawers and cupboards in search of food. Suddenly I heard someone humming. I got scared. The humming was coming from behind the cupboards from the other side of the pantry. I walked in fear towards the cupboards. I saw someone sitting on the floor and eating something. It looked more like a girl. Her back faced me.

I stretched out my hand and held her shoulder. Suddenly she screamed out loud. She dropped the can of food from her hands. Ramyun spilt from the can on the floor. She turned around and faced me. I saw her and she looked really beautiful. I stood there, staring at her. The moonlight was shining on her and making her look brighter. Suddenly we heard footsteps nearing the pantry. She held my wrist and pushed me in one of the cupboards.

She closed the door. I was confused. Then suddenly I heard a man shouting "WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED HERE?!" I didn't know what happened to her. I just sat inside without moving. Then I heard her speaking "N-Nothing sir, I just saw a rat running."

"First of all, what are you doing here?"


"Jina, did you come here for food?"

I peeked through the little gap of the cupboard. I saw her hanging her head in defeat. She sighed out heavily. The man continued "How many times have I told you not to come here for food, huh?!"

"Sorry sir, I'll make sure I won't-''

"Every time you tell the same thing but then you never seem to have changed. Clean up and then go back to your room and sleep."

"Yes sir"

The man left and she took a piece of cloth and cleaned up the mess. I didn't know what to do. Suddenly the cupboard doors flung open, revealing her. I stepped out of the cupboard and stood in front of her. She folded her hands and asked "What are you doing here?"

"I-I came for some food."

"Oh" I looked away from her. I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. She sighed out and asked "Are you okay with chicken fried noodles?"


She opened one of the drawers and took two cans of noodles. I felt really bad. Because of me, she got scolding from the man. She handed me one of the cans and pulled me out of the pantry. I was confused. Her grip on my wrist was tight. We climbed up two fleet of staircases and entered a hallway. It had rooms. She flung one of the doors open and pulled me in. She locked the door and turned towards me.

I looked around nervously. Then she said "Don't worry, it's my room." She grabbed the can from me and placed it on the table. I saw so many books on the table. She opened the lid and poured some hot water from her flask. She put the lid back on and asked me to sit down. I sat on the couch and she sat opposite to me on a chair. I suddenly blurted out "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For scaring you."

"Yeah, you did scare me back there. It's okay though."

It was quiet for awhile. She broke the silence by saying "Hi, I guess I didn't get to introduce myself properly. My name is Jina Lee and I'm a trainee here."

"Oh, that's great. My name's Jeon Jungkook and I'm a-''

"Wait, pause right there. You're the Jungkook. The one that everyone's been talking about. Literally, all my classmates keep talking about you."

"Yeah, I'm a trainee here and I will be debuting in a month."

"That's awesome. Lucky for you. I have to study so much."

"Study? Aren't you an idol trainee?"

She laughed out loud. I said "Oh no, sorry. You must be going to school."

"Hey kid, I'm a director trainee."

"Kid? What's your age?"

"I'm fourteen."

"I'm fifteen and you should be calling me oppa. Not kid!"


"But seriously... you look like an idol trainee."

"Everyone keeps saying that."

"So, do you come to the pantry often?"

"Yeah, I'm a night owl. I was studying and I felt hungry that's why I came. By the way, why did you come to the pantry?"

"I felt quite hungry too. I didn't eat my dinner."

"Oh, that's bad and here." She said, handing out the can. I took it from her hands and thanked her. We both started eating and talking.

"Hey, you won't tell about this to anyone, right?" she asked.

"About what?"

"About me stealing food from the pantry. Nobody knows about it other than you and that idiotic manager."

"I won't. Your secret is safe with me."

"Thanks, and now that you know that I do this... you can be my partner in crime."

I laughed out loud and said "Yah! Alright, fine"

"Friends?" she said, stretching out her hand.

"Friends" I said, shaking hands with her.

[End of flashback]

How will I tell her my love for her for seven years? 

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