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I woke up in a place. At first, my vision was a bit blurry but then I blinked a few times and my vision was clear. I saw that I was in some dirty old shop. Machines were filled with dust and hills of cement was scattered throughout the place. I saw myself tied to a chair. My hands were tied to its arms and my legs were tied. My body was tied to the back. I looked at my surroundings, trying to figure out where I was.

While I was looking at my surroundings, something caught my eye or rather someone caught my eye. He was a few feet away from me. I immediately found out who it was.

I shouted "JUNGKOOK!"

Blood dripped from his forehead and mouth. His cheeks looked bruised. I shouted out his name again. I shook the chair, making sure that it would make some sound that would wake him up. I cried out loud. I said his name slowly again. I bowed down my head and tears flowed from my eyes.I heard footsteps in front of me. I looked up to see who it was. My eyes widened at the sight of the person. I couldn't believe my eyes.

No, it can't be...

"Seojun..." I called out slowly. Four men accompanied him. I got scared and kept shouting out Jungkook's name. I bowed down in defeat. Seojun stood in front of me and lifted my head up by my chin. "Jungkook..." I called out slowly. He pulled my hair, making me to wince in pain. He said, holding my hair "Don't ever call out that name again. Call 'Seojun' instead. Tell my name in a seducing tone."

"No, I won't."

"YOU WON'T!" He said, slapping me. I cried out loud. He said, cupping my cheeks "Oh nonono, don't cry baby. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry. It's just that if you don't listen to me then I'll get angry. So, better listen to me, baby."

I moved my face away from his hands. I said "I should have known it was you at the first place. You psychopath!"

"Psychopath!" He said, laughing out loud. "Jina, like I said before... I don't wanna hurt you. You know, none of this would've happened if you had just let the engagement happen. But then, you complicated things and... here we are."

"I will never ever marry you. I don't care if you kill me or not."

"Woah! I can't kill you. You're so beautiful that I just can't kill you." He said, caressing my cheek but I moved away. I felt disgusted. Then I heard Jungkook wincing in pain. I shouted "JUNGKOOK, WAKE UP!"

"Jina..." I heard him say slowly. He looked at me and saw Seojun. "Oh, looks like your cute little boyfriend has woken up." Seojun said.

"Let him go. Please, I beg you. You can have me but let him go. If the media comes to know that he's missing then it will be really bad. So, please just let go off him. Please." I begged.

"Jina... honestly, I didn't want to kidnap him. Trust me, I really didn't want to. My partner told me to kidnap him. She told me that if I kidnap him then she would share me details about what you were doing with Jungkook and turns out you guys kissed yesterday and I kidnapped him. But man, he was strong. He fought a lot and I had to beat him up to bring him under my control. But you know, she wanted him unharmed. But then it's okay cause she will take care of him while I will take care of you." Seojun said.

"Who is she?" I asked.

"Didn't I tell you to bring him unharmed?" A voice said from behind.

"Sorry. I had to do it to bring him under control. Other than that, he's all yours." Seojun said.

"Still.... You shouldn't have harmed him." She said, walking. I looked at her as she walked in front of me. I was shocked. I didn't even expect something like that. It was... Lisa. The Lisa. Jungkook called out my name again. I called out his name. "Ay!" Lisa shouted.

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