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"Wow! You look so beautiful when you're this close." he mumbled. I didn't hear it properly so I asked "Sorry, what did you say?"

"No, no it's nothing."

"But I heard you mumbling something."

"I didn't mumble anything. I was just singing."

He lifted up his right hand slowly and I flinched. I stammered "W-What are you d-doing?" He smiled at me and said "Don't worry Jina. I'm just trying to help you."

"Help me?"


"Help me in what?"

He raised his hand slowly and I closed my eyes. He placed his hand on my forehead and pushed my bangs back gently. He held my bangs up on my head and said "I don't want you to cut off your bangs as it looks cute on you so I will hold your bangs for you."

"Oh, thank you." I said, smiling. I pulled the seat belt hard and I fell on Jungkook's lap. I closed my eyes tightly. I opened my eyes slowly and saw that Jungkook was holding my head. I got up from his lap and went back to my seat. I put his seat belt on for him and sighed out. He said "Thank you Jina."

"You're welcome and sorry for falling on your lap. I should have let you put your seat belt by yourself. I saw you were upset so I didn't want know." The words were stuck in my throat. I couldn't speak properly due to the awkwardness of the situation. He said "It's okay. You don't need to feel sorry for that. It happens and thanks for putting my seat belt on."

"You don't need to keep thanking for a small help I did."

"Alright, I'm dropping you at home and then leaving."

"No there's no need for that. I can go by myself. Your hyungs might be searching for you by now."

"No, it's my duty to keep you safe as a brother."

"No, I- " before I could complete my sentence Jungkook started driving the car towards my house. I begged him not to but he didn't listen. We reached my house and I got down the car. I stood next to his window. He put the window down and said "Alright don't be sad or upset about what had happened. Don't get depressed or anything. We don't want to see you like that."

"Yeah, okay. You too, don't get depressed."

"Well, I can get over it soon. It will not take much time for me. I'm just worried about you because you wouldn't have seen that coming and you were already betrayed once when you were in school so you might take some time to get over it."

"Yeah I will."

"Okay now go and sleep well. Bye."

"You too. Bye."

He left the place and went to the party hall. I entered my house and locked the door. I sat on my couch and started remembering the memories when Jimin and I were together. I started crying out loud and lay down on my couch. I said to myself, crying "Why Jimin? Why did you do this to me?"

I missed his talks, his hugs and his kisses. Above all I missed him. I said to myself again, crying "Jimin, I'm crying. Please come back. Don't leave me like this."

I didn't want to sleep. I took my car keys and drove towards my private place. It was midnight and I was sitting next to the cliff and staring at the view. I kept crying and crying. I took out my phone and went to my gallery. I was seeing the photos I took with Jimin. I was looking at the photos in which we were together since I was a trainee. I reached the last photo of the album. It was one of the best photos I took with him. It was a photo taken in the makeup room when he pecked me on my cheek. I placed my phone next to my heart and cried. I laid down on the ground and kept crying. I kept questioning myself that what did I do?

I was broken. My head was hurting and my eyes were swollen. I slowly closed my eyes and slept on the ground. The next morning I woke up and saw the time. It was eight 'o clock. It was the time I had to go to the studio. But I didn't go. I sat in the same place and kept staring at the city. My phone rang. I saw my phone and saw that Jungkook was calling me. I didn't answer the call. I went to my gallery and started deleting all the photos I had with Jimin.

I again saw the last photo. A few tears left my eye. I didn't want to delete that photo. I threw my phone and again started crying. I kept shouting Jimin's name out loud. I kept questioning again and again. I had gone mad. I stood at the edge of the cliff and breathed the fresh air. The wind was blowing my hair. I was going to jump from the cliff. I just wanted to die.

I already had enough of this. I sniffed and took a peek down. It was a huge fall. I thought that I would rather die instead of being betrayed again and again. I breathed out heavily and saw the city for the last time. I said, softly "Goodbye Jimin!" and jumped. Suddenly somebody caught me by the hand. I looked up and saw Jungkook. I shook myself and kept scratching his hand to let go off me. He pulled me up and took me away from the cliff. He held my waist tight. I kept wriggling myself to jump off the cliff but he didn't let go.

I shouted "Jungkook let go. I wanna die."

"No, I'm not letting go off you."

I pushed him and ran towards the cliff again. Jungkook shouted "Jina!" he again caught me by the waist and pulled me to the ground. I kept kicking him and kept crying on and on but he didn't let go. Jungkook said, softly "Jina, calm down. Calm down." I calmed down and we both were lying on the ground. I was almost lying on Jungkook. I asked "Why did you save me? I wanted to die. I hate myself."

"Stop saying that!" he shouted.

"I'm unlovable. Everybody keeps leaving me."

"Huh? Why are you saying like that?"

"Because I lost everyone. I lost my family; I lost my friends; basically, I lost everyone whom I loved. My family didn't even talk to me or even text me since when I was a trainee. They didn't even care to ask whether I was doing fine or not. In fact I guess they don't even know whether I'm still alive. My friends...I barely had any. The only one I had was you guys and Jimin. Jimin was my world but he also left me. He told that he will always be with me but he also left like everybody else. See, I'm unlovable."

"Don't say like that. We are all here for you. You are like our sister. Like a real sister. We will take care of you and we will protect you. We are your family Jina. Life is too short. You have to enjoy each and every moment. There are so many people in the world and we all are here for each other. You can't just end your life so soon. You worked so hard for this position and finally you have got it. It hasn't even been a month since you got this position. How can you do this?"

"Even it hasn't been a month since Jimin has loved me. He betrayed me soon. It was just two weeks, three days and two hours. That's it. I should have thought. When a normal guy could leave me, why can't a famous idol leave me? I didn't think. I just went along with it. And here I am."

"Stop saying like that! You should never think like that. If the guy leaves, it's not your fault."

"IT IS!"

"I knew that you will be sad because of what had happened. I knew that you will be depressed. I knew that you would be here in this very place and crying. That's why I came here to console you. I came to know everything when you didn't come to the studio and pick up my call. I knew this but I never knew that you would go to such an extent of dying."

I stood up and looked away. He said, holding my arm "Jina, come back. Come with us. We are here for you Jina."

I turned around and hugged him. He stroked my hair carefully and I said "I'm sorry. I will not do this again."

"You better not."

He placed his hand on my forehead and said, worryingly "Jina, you're burning up." He touched my neck and said "Jina, you have fever. Let's take you home now. I will tell the director that you're not feeling well." He took me back home and laid me down on my bed. He took out his phone and rang someone. He said "Taehyung..." 

The Love Maze ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora