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I opened my eyes and saw him holding a shirt. I breathed out heavily and he asked again "What's this? Who gave this?"

"It's my brother's. Wear it without questioning."

"What? Don't you have anything else?"

I looked nervously around and saw the watch next to my dresser. My eyes widened. Jungkook looked at my face and asked, walking towards me "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Ummm...n-nothing. I-I-ummm... what's wrong with me?" I said, walking backwards as he was approaching me. I hit the wall behind me and he came closer. I gulped down nervously. He placed his hand next to my head. I could feel his hot breath on my skin. I tried looking away from him. He said "You know, last night... you turned me on a bit."

"Umm...Jung-JK, how about you wear some clothes?"

"Why, jagi?"

"P-Please... I've kept ramen on the stove and I should go check on that."

Oh, how I really wish he was here...

"Okay" he said, stepping back. I looked at the watch again. I said "If you don't like this shirt then how about you go to the next room and take whatever you like."

"Yeah, that should be fine." He said, walking out of my room. I sighed out heavily. I ran towards the dresser and bent down. I took his watch and held it tight. "Phew, that was close." I mumbled.Starting to think of it, how did his watch fall down? Well, whatever who cares. Oh, how I really wish... Wait Jina! Stop with the thinking.**We both went together in his car. We both kept talking for awhile. We reached the studio and entered. I told him to go to the makeup room while I went in search of Taehyung. I found him next to the makeup room, fiddling with his phone. I fastened up my pace towards him and greeted him. He said "Oh, hello."


"Did you happen to find my watch?"

"Yeah, I found it." I said, taking it out of my bag and handing it to him. He thanked me and said "I heard that your parents came over to your house."

"How do you know?"

"JK told about it to me last night."


"So, how are they doing?"

"Don't ask me about them. They're still the same. They haven't even changed a bit."

"Sorry about that."

Suddenly, Kwan called out my name. I shouted back "Yeah"

"We need you over here. Quick!"

I looked at Taehyung and he said "Looks like you have some work so go." I smiled and was about to leave until when he stopped me and said "I'm sorry" I turned back and asked "For what?""For that night. I misbehaved with you. I'm really sorry. I really didn't know-'' I placed my finger on his lips and said "It's okay." I then whispered in his ear, "It was quite good."

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