Chapter- 44

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~~~~Wedding Day~~~~

Author's pov

It was the day and the day which everyone had been waiting for. Jungkook was going to get married to Jisa and Taehyung was going to get married to Jina. Their marriages for going to happen in the same time and place. The place was filled with happiness.

The click of heels from black shoes echoed through the halls. He positioned his tie properly and put his suit properly. He stopped in front of a door and smirked to himself. He knocked on the door.

"Come in." A woman said. He opened the door and entered the room. He closed the door behind him. He saw her sitting in front of the mirror, applying some makeup. "Jungkook!" She exclaimed. "What bring-''

"Jina, stop talking. I don't have much time so let me just tell it to you." She stayed quiet and let him do the talking. He placed his hands on her shoulders and squeezed them. "Jungkook..." she called out slowly.

"Shhh, baby." She closed her mouth shut. "Jina, Jina,'re the symbol of beauty. Many people fall for you and I was one of them. Look Jina, I don't have much time so let me just come to the point." He leaned down and whispered in her ear "I want you." He stood back up, still holding her shoulders "Now Jina, it may be hard for you to take this all in but Jina, seriously, I loved you this whole time. You making me date your sister was one of the most horrible things. I was being a very good boyfriend and for whom? For you, baby. For you. NOT FOR YOUR SISTER. And you say that you like Taehyung while you set me up with your stupid twin. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF ME! That's why, Jina, let's be fast with this. You shouldn't marry Taehyung and if you do, I'll make sure that your little twin sister comes crying to you every day. 

I will torture her in such a way that will make you feel regretted for choosing Taehyung over me. So, your choice. You want to live your love life and let your sister cry every day then please marry him or... if you don't want to see your sister to suffer then... marry me. You're on the clock, Jina. The wedding's in just thirty more minutes. Better make the right choice and if you dare to play that 'twin sister' game on me again..." He leaned down and whispered in her ear "She goes to hell."

"Think of it, Jina. You don't have much time in your hands. I'm so sorry it had to end like this." Jungkook said before pecking her cheek. "See you soon... Jeon Jina." He said, before leaving the room. She was shocked. She didn't know what to do.

Silence fell over.

Jungkook spoke whatever he wanted and left but what he didn't know was... he spoke to the wrong person. He wasn't talking with Jina all that time. He was talking with her twin sister... Jisa. 

~*~*~*~*~* THE LOVE MAZE CONTINUES~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

A/N :- Please make sure to read the 'Author's Note' in the next part.

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