Chapter- 4

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Jungkook's eyes were filled with tears. He was about to cry out hard. I was in the same situation too. We both kept looking at each other and then looking inside the room. We saw.....Jimin with.....IU? How is that even possible?

Jimin was cupping IUs' cheek and he was about to peck her on her cheek. Once they saw us both standing next to the doorframe, they immediately got up and looked at us. Jimin started "'s not what you think it is?"

After seeing this, how can he say 'it's not what you think it is'?

I felt like passing out. Jimin continued, walking towards me slowly "Jina, its nothing. Nothing's happening here. I was not-" I asked him to stop walking and to stay wherever he was. I said "Let me say it in the kindest way as possible. You know what, don't talk with me for at least two weeks cause I need time to get over this incident. After two weeks you can talk with me but I will not be your girlfriend.....I will only be your friend. I will not even be your best friend."

"Jina, I'm-" I cut Jimin in between and said, softly "It's alright, you don't need to. You guys can continue what you were doing. I will take these glass pieces off the floor so that no one gets hurt and then close the door, if you don't mind."

Jimin and IU were still shocked. They were speechless. I smiled weakly and took the tiny glass pieces and threw it in a dustbin nearby. The glass pieces scratched me hand a bit, making my hand bleed a bit. But I didn't care about that. Even though it did hurt a lot, the pain my heart was going through was much more. I felt my heart was bleeding more. I wanted to cry out loud too. Jungkook was still speechless. He started helping me too. We finished cleaning up the glass pieces and I said, smiling "Enjoy!" and slammed the door shut. I breathed out heavily and rushed down the stairs to the party hall and acted natural.

Jungkook came down slowly to the party hall. He looked really sad and weak. Hoseok saw Jungkook being dull and asked him "JK, what's wrong?" he didn't answer. I stood next to Jungkook and said "Nothing Hoseok. He's just tired from all the dancing and singing."


"By the way, have you guys seen Jimin around? He seems to be missing. Jina was he with you?"

I laughed weakly and said "No, he wasn't. He hasn't talked to me since I came here."

"Really, I thought that he was with you. Is there any problem going on between you guys?"

"Actually, well what happened was-" I stopped in between and sighed out. Hoseok held my shoulder and asked "Hey Jina, what's wrong?"

Jungkook and I looked at each other, not knowing what to say to him until when Jin joined the conversation. Jin asked "Hey, have you guys seen Jimin anywhere?"

"That's what even I've been asking them too. Looks like Jina has some problem with Jimin. In fact, I think that even Jungkook has a problem too." Hoseok said, worryingly.

"Why? Is Jungkook and Jina sick or something?"

"No, they both look sad and weak." Hoseok said.

"But for that why is Jungkook sweating?" Jin said.

"Wait a minute.... did you just say that Jungkook is sweating?"

I turned towards Jungkook and saw him sweating a lot. I saw the tiny, sparkling droplets on his forehead. 

 Why is he sweating a lot? Yeah, I know we saw what we shouldn't have seen or what we weren't expecting for. But why is he sweating a lot for that? Is he scared of something or is he afraid to tell it to his hyungs?

 I didn't know. The only thing I knew was that he was feeling the same way how I felt, betrayed, which both us didn't expect from Jimin and IU.

Hoseok snapped me out and said "Why are you zoning out now? C'mon tell us, what's going between you guys? We will help you guys as much as we can to keep you and Jimin together. Right, Jin?"

The Love Maze ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora