Chapter- 19

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"Yeah, we are, right?"

"You mean it? Are you serious?"

"Yeah, we're brothers and sisters, right? Isn't that more than friends?"

"Why didn't I see that coming?" he murmured to himself. "J-Jina, I-I want to be more than brothers and sisters."

"Is there anything more than that?"

"You know what, I'm going to tell it really fast." He played with his fingers and his breathing rate fastened. I cupped his cheek and asked "What's wrong? Are you okay?" he held the hand I cupped his cheek and tilted his head. He said, slowly "Will you leave me?" I could see worry in his eyes.

"Was this what you wanted to tell me?"

"No, I'm scared whether if I tell you, you might leave me."

"Why would I ever leave you? You've been with me since I was fourteen years old. How could I?" I said, pulling him to my chest. He hugged my waist tightly. He let go off me and said "Jina....I-I love you."

Did I hear that right? He did not...

"Yes Jina, I love you." He said, holding my hands.

I pulled my hands away and said "No Jungkook, this is not right."

"What's not right? That me loving you?"

"I've only seen you as a brother."

"What! You're lying. You're saying this because of that idiotic promise you made."

"No" I said, getting up and walking away.

"You're scared." He shouted. I stopped in my dress and turned around. "You're scared, Jina. You're scared. You're scared of being betrayed again. You're scared of being left out all alone again. You're scared of yourself." A hot tear fell on my cheek. The words were like daggers piercing my heart. "We both were betrayed at the same time and place. I know how it's like to be betrayed. But let me tell you Jina, I didn't love IU as much I loved you. I've loved you since the last seven years. I still do. I won't betray you. You just gotta break the promise and we can be together forever.

Take my hands now, you are the cause of my Euphoria..."

"I can't break the promise. I don't break promises."

"You can. First of all, that was so stupid of you to make such a promise. There are so many other guys in this world. It's not like all the guys will betray."

"You're right. I'm scared. That's why I made that promise. I was so tired of this bullshit. I had enough. I was so sick of fake love."

"Are you saying that I will betray you? That means you actually do love me but you're hiding it because you don't want to break your promise., right?" More tears ran down my cheeks. "Oh, Jina...p-please stop crying." He said, walking towards me to comfort me.

"Stop wherever you are. Don't come any closer towards me." He stopped and his eyes softened.

"Jina, tell me the truth... am I there in your heart?" he said, looking into my eyes.

"N-No" I stuttered. He sighed out heavily and rubbed his eyes. He breathed in and out heavily. He threw me the car keys and I caught it. He said "Go wait in the car, I'll drop you home and then we can just forget about this."

"What about you?"

"I will be here for sometime. I will join you in a few minutes. You may leave now." I could see tears welling up in his eyes. I turned around and was about to leave until when he said "Jina...think about it. It's your life."

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