The first time seeing Oliver

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We travel through small streets amongst tall trees and impetuous mountains surround us. The  environment is so beautiful it takes my breath away. 

I don't want this drive to ever end. I want time to remember this glorious moment of my life while I am so young and happy. My idol, one of the most famous people in the world, is sitting in the same car as me, something I would have not expected in a thousand years.

But then my thoughts are broken by the change of scenery outside the window.

The first glance at the school leaves me breathless. It is a castle at the top of a cliff, underneath the rocky steep cliff lies an endless emerald sea. On the other side with respect to the sea lays still a lake. The colors are all feasting together in mixing and blending as they pass by so fast nothing has a shape anymore.

Then things start to regain their corners and angles again as we approach this white ethereal mansion. I have seen it in the pictures. This must be Austin's house. 

Paparazzi are gathered outside. 

The driver swiftly enters the gate, leaving the paparazzi behind. 

We are driving the clean path from the gate to the front of Austin's house when I hear footsteps coming down from the upstairs department. 

"What are you doing George? She is going to leak my address," says Austin without even looking at me.

"Why the hell did you take her here?" adds Kewa, the other guitarist, coming down the stairs. 

I feel quite humiliated and tears start building in my  eyes.  I hate conflict, it makes me feel instantly sad. I look forward and try to focus on anything that is not me. 

"Sir... I thought you would have liked to be dropped off first," says George in an apologetic tone.

"And you didn't think that showing a fan our address would have the all school at the gates constantly?" says Austin raising his voice.

I really don't like how they are treating George and I would like to say something, but my hands are shaking and I feel myself slipping into a gentle fog and loose my human form. If I was a stronger person I wouldn't have been fog. If I was a stronger person I would tell Gio that what I did that night was warranted by the events that took place before it. If I was a stronger person I would prove to my dad that I am intelligent and not a stupid silly girl. If I was a stronger person I would pick up the phone and tell Fede why she needs to forgive me.

But that would be an ideal version of me that I am not. The me I need me to be rather than the me I am.

"Hey you, if someone turns up here we will know who's fault it is, do you understand?"

I hear a voice, I am not even sure who it belongs to because my mind is getting foggy and I am loosing focus.

I stay still in my seat because I am terrified. 

I feel sad again, like during the car ride with my dad. Or like when I was closed into the closet in my mum's trailer. It's not a sadness which is appropriate to this situation but I can't help it. Any conflict brings me back to those memories and I can't escape the sadness which ensues.

As we stop near the front entrance of the house a melody reaches the van. There, sitting behind a tall and majestic tree stands a guy, shirtless, guitar in hand. Oliver. 

My heart flutters. 

Legends of his beauty never made him enough justice. His black shiny hair rocks back and forth at the rhythm of the song he is singing, masking his face. His muscular but lean arms embrace the guitar as if the gentler and firmier he handles it the better the notes will sound. I feel like I am an explorer on an enchanted safari and I have just found the most rare and incredible one of a kind creature on the verge of extinction. He is wearing a necklace around his neck and has tattoos wrapping around  his body.

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