January 2023

48 19 6

The cold air of the winter in Rome hugs me like a sweater as I quickly try to make my way to the the Sapienza University. 

A low volume song pervades the air and reaches my ears despite the powerful noise cancelling headphones I am wearing. 

They are the last model of noise cancelling sound so this song that is being played must be really loud. Who is listening to a song at such a high volume in the middle of Rome? I muse perplexed.

As I try to escape the song  I decide to enter in the first coffee shop available. I also want to injest liters of warm coffee before meeting Steve Morlat, the great mathematician behind the development of artificial intelligence.

We bonded over a conference I attended last summer over our mutual share for veganism and we have been trying to see each other again ever since.

I want my brain to be working as hard as possible when I see him so I decide that helping myself to some sugar treats like cannoli siciliani, a special italian treat filled with a creamy sweet paste, will do.

The song still reaches my ears so I instinctively cup my hands to my ears and I press as hard as I can.

I haven't listed to a song for eight years. Since the joy for music was replaced by the memory of what I lost.

"OMG they won they won!!!!I The sexy Italian team won!!!" roars a crowd of people in the little cafe. 

Outside people flood the street and celebrations ensue. 

I have never seen so many people in this small road before.

"Italy won Italy won" the crowd sings in unison reaching the barricade my headphones provide. 

In a moment of complete naiveness I approach the smiling old lady at the counter which passes me my cannolo. 

"Scuse me, is this soccer season? Did Italy's soccer team win?" I ask while removing the headphones as a film of snow covers the streets outside.

"No miss", says the old lady. "

"Then what is..." I say but I stop mid sentence, because, unfortunately, in a split second I have figured it out. 

My brain freezes and how much time passes after that while I stand still without moving a muscle I am not sure. 

"I knew they would win Eurovision this time now that Oliver is back in the band".

"Yeah the band just couldn't work without him. I am glad he came back to his senses, broke up with that murderer psycotic girlfriend he had that made him quit the band and went back to play with his best friends"

"She was the one who killed her own mother right?" 

"Yeah, a total psyco"

"Miss, miss are you ok?"

"I am going back to the island", I just say in response.

The POPSTAR  that got awayHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin