Drugs and Secrets

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As I open the door of our apartment, my jaw drops open as I see the door on the other side of the living room wide open. 

The wind blows hard and the curtain dance frantically on their own. 

"Do you think someone broke in?" I ask Shakill.

"I wouldn't be too surprised if someone robbed us. It's not unheard of around here".

I hadn't considered that it could have been someone trying to rob us. My mind just flew to my most hated enemy as the culprit: Austin. 

"I am sure we haven't been robbed Shakill," I say and step inside. 

"Don't" she yells behind me "They could still be here". 

The room is dark and from the ajar door in front of me I can see the still lake and the giant moon and stars decorating it. 

"Maybe it was Diane leaving the door open," I say as I switch on the light.

"Would you text her and ask while I go around to check no one is actually here?"

"Diane says it wasn't her" yells Shakill from outside as I search every inch of our place. 

"Ask her where she is" I yell back.

"At Oliver's place. Oliver and his group of hippie friends are having a mini party".

"Oh" I say going back to her as jealousy takes over me again "Are we invited?" I ask in a tone that can only sound pathetic. 

"Do you want me to ask her?" Shakill says with a tint of pity in her voice. 

"Yes, please" I beg her, fully knowing how awful it sounds. 

"Yes Diane says we can join" Shakill says. 

I am already outside the door but then notice Shakill is not following. 

"Are you not coming Shakill?" 

"It's just... a lot of drama in two days. First you fight with Austin, then you want to go to a party where Oliver and Diane will probably be attending as a couple and... that friend group Oliver hangs out with... those kids don't attend this school... they are residents of the islands... they do a lot of drugs. It's not the right people you want to hang out with if you want to be focused and get good grades Deity. I wouldn't go if I was you. And I am not coming" she says. 

I really appreciate her honesty so I go over and hug her. 

"I am sorry, Shakill, I think I will go, I need to see him. I know it's stupid and everything but I need to see him. If they are together for real then I can stop obsessing over him".

"Do what you gotta do girl, but I have seen many girls obsessing over him over the years. Yes, Austin and Oliver have fans, but for some reasons the people who get close to them always develop weird obsessions for Oliver. Be careful" she just adds and squeezes me in a hug before letting me go. 

I freshen myself up and change my clothes and then I start running through the trails of the island, surrounded by nature and the night sky towards Austin and Oliver's house. 

My heart races fast but I don't stop as the house pulls me towards it like a magnet. 

I need to know if Diane and Oliver are dating and my chances with him will be over.

As I arrive in front of the gate I stop and catch my breath. The garden is dark and suddenly it doesn't seem too much of a good idea to be here. 

There is no bubbling party I can join, I would be literally trespassing. 

I take a deep breath to go home but then a hand grabs my shoulder and flips me around to face them.

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