The first time he touches me

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The door jolts open at the same time I open my mouth to scream and from the darkness a shadow comes towards me. I want to run backwards, scream for help, my friends are just a few steps away and they might save me. But somehow my terror keeps me from moving.

I suddenly remember that I read somewhere that some people freeze in fear in dangerous situations while others can react. I am one of those who freezes, I muse.

As I try to make my way back upstairs I am stopped by a very firm hand gripping my wrist. I try to wriggle out of it with all the strength of my body, but the grip just gets tighter. I feel like I am in one of those dreams that I get where I want to run away fast but I just manage to move forward so slowly and I can't properly control my body because it's just a dream.

The hand pulls me backward and I stumble upon the person's hard chest. A cascade of hair fall on me from above. It's unmistakable. This is Oliver. 

He pulls me even closer to him, his arm presses against my stomach, right below my boobs.

Although my back is facing his chest, I can still smell him. He smells like pines. It's intoxicating.

I instinctively place both my hands on his arm that is still firmly around my body while his hand holds my waist.

A few seconds pass and the electricity that I feel in my body is so intense I feel dizzy. Then I snatch out of my intoxicated state given by this coctail of feelings and a thought comes to mind.

Why is he holding me like this? 

What if he thinks I am Diane? What have they done last night? What if he has been waiting here for her arrival and she wanted us to get here early to tell us that her and Oliver are not dating.

"Leave me" I cry out in horror, my words louder than I intended them to be.

His voice when he speaks is calm, deep, mellow. It wraps my body with a cold blanket that makes me shiver in pleasure.

"Do you know that this downstairs section is private?" he says very close to my ear.

And then my heart truly stops. Yes, this is Oliver's voice. I was already 90% sure it was him, but this leaves no doubts.

His arm is still wrapping around me so tightly that it hurts by ribs but I don't dare moving because it's a pain that gives me pleasure.

"I'm sorry I didn't know" is all I manage to say.

"Are you calmer now?" he asks. His arm is still around my chest.

"Calmer.. Why do you ask?" I say in a rush. Does he know I like him? Is it my heart beating so fast that gave it away?

"I saw you were about to scream and break your neck by running upstairs in the dark", he just says. His tone of voice sounds authoritative and like it belongs to someone much older than his age.

I don't say anything. My heart is just racing too fast. So I nod instead.

"Are you calmer?" he repeats. "Yes" I finally say remembering that it's very dark and he can't see me nodding.

He then lets go of me and as soon as he does I start missing his embrace.

"So what are you doing down here?"

"I was looking for you". Would have been the true answer. But to admit that would be so embarrassing that a very good alternative answer is required here.

"Me and Diane and Shakill are exploring the castle.  School, I mean school." I say hastily. And then I regret it because I must so dumb. Why did I say Diane and Shakill's name as if he knows who they are. 

Oliver laughs and the place gets filled with a low musical rumble.

"What were you doing behind that door?" I ask.

"I was playing. There are music rooms on the other side of that door. The acoustics are magical, I swear".

"Ah" is all I manage to reply as I reassemble my thoughts. And then an idea comes to mind. I want to ask him if he'll let me listen to some of his music sometimes.

"It's not true it's private Oliver" snaps Diane. 

"Hey there Diane, I didn't expect to see you again so soon, and I am afraid that yes, before 9 am it's private, that is why there is a guard at the door", he says, with a tone that sounds so flirty I want to pass out from jealousy. 

Then the door behind us opens again and someone approaches.

"Who are you talking to?" a girl's voice says and once again jealousy takes over me. Is she his girlfriend?

Before Oliver answers she is talking again. "It doesn't matter. Chop chop, we gotta move if we want to go climbing before classes starts. You know how cranky you get if we don't manage to do that in time".

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