Gaining Recognition

42 14 8

Austin scoffs as he regains his usual unnerving behaviour. 

My voice keeps cracking as I try to explain to Austin simple artificial intelligence concepts and how to apply them.

I notice his gaze, usually full of hate, is softening up, and I might even be spotting some admiration as I show him how beautiful learning something new can be.

"See? An hour of tutoring with me wasn't that bad," I say as I stand up and start packing my things. 

I wonder if Shakill and Diane are still with Oliver. 

I quickly scan the library through the glass window and when then what I see in front of me liquifies my intestines and I feel vertiginous. 

Shakill is studying alone.

That means Diane and Oliver...

My stomach churns as my brain refuses to finish the thought. 

As panic overtakes me I forget to say goodbye to Austin and instead I sprint to the door to make my way to ask Shakill where Diane and Oliver are. 

Before I can wiggle out of the study room Austin grabs me for the second time this evening and his grip greatly overpowers me once again with such a strength my legs feel soft because of fear. 

I turn my gaze up to look at him and for a moment I see uncertainty in his eyes and it looks like he doesn't know what to say so I feel the gap because I am impatient to leave.

"Well?" I scoff. 

His grip on my arm tightens so hardly I let out a lament. 

He soften it up right away and caresses my arm with his thumb carefully and delicately this time.

No boy has ever touched me so intimately before so for a moment I am taken aback from this sensual gesture and feel my down there getting wet so I jerk my arm off of his grip. 

"Goodnight Austin," I say and I make my second attempt to leave, stupidly thinking, he'd let me go this time. 

The POPSTAR  that got awayNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ