The kiss

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"Sorry for what?" I ask, sulking in this beautiful feeling offered by the drug and his presence. 

"I am so, so sorry for drugging you, you should never see me again."

As those words leave his lips I feel panicked. 

"What do you mean?" I say raising my voice and standing up. 

"I am a bad influence Deity" he says looking in the distance. His eyes lost in some places and things I cannot possibly imagine and am dying to know about. 

How absolutely beautiful he is, my heart aches just watching him. 

Suddenly he stands up, leaving his place next to me. 

"I'll go call your friends to help you get home," he says and get up from the bed. 

I want to beg him to stay but I want to try to keep my cool, so I just look at him not looking at me. 

I watch as he starts putting on his clothes and my heart breaks. This is the end of it.

I burned the slim bridge of friendship and possibly something more that I so desperately wanted. 

He picks up a corset mixed with a shirt that I have seen him wearing during a concert and for a moment the memories of the endless hours spent watching his concerts on youtube and crying of joy while I was a kid flash in front of my eyes.

He wraps his hair in a low bum and then picks up a pair of keys and rushes towards the door.

A loud "Please wait!" escapes my lips. 

He stops at the door and looks outside, showing me only his back. 

"I'll go call your friends to come and help you. I will also tell what I did to the police myself," he says before leaving. 

Panic arises in me and I manage to stand up from the bed. The effects of the drug are diminishing but I still don't have complete control of my motor movements. 

I stumble forward feeling like I have two huge puddles instead of feet.

As I glance around his bedroom I notice the guitar he used at the concert of the Summer 2014, when he opened with a song just written by him and the public went crazy. 

I had always wished to have attended that concert. To be right under the stage and catch his eye. 

And now that somehow the slimmest chances of the world have allowed us to be alone in the same room he doesn't want to see me anymore.

I start pacing faster outside his bedroom but he is nowhere in sight.

I run clumsily down the stairs and then push open the large door of his mansion. 

The fresh and warm summer air embraces me and the dark blue night above encircles me as I close the door behind. 

I hear a noise and look in front of me. He is sprinting away on his motorcycle. 

I yell "Wait!" at the top pf my lungs but he is already gone. 

He didn't take the main road to the main gate where I usually entered during parties. 

He took a non-asphalted pathway to the left of his house. 

Like an idiot I start running in his direction in the middle of the night, as if I could reach him. 

The more I travel through the path the darker it gets lost in the vegetation but somehow I stubbornly decide to keep going. 

Eventually the path behind my feet ends and there is only trees and tall unkept grass. I look down and only now I realise that I haven't even put my shoes on. I look at my feet and the soles are bleeding.

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