The answer bites back

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His eyes are full of expectancy. They are begging me to say yes. They are suddenly filled with so much sadness I can see the usual calm blue waves in them now are in an impetus storm.

Once again I find myself feeling bad for him. But I have liked Oliver all my life, my soulmate that didn't know I existed. Chances of us meeting were so slim, slimmer than Oumuamua returning to Earth. And yet destiny has brought us here on the same island.

And now if I say yes to Austin to quench that grey storm of sadness in those blue eyes, I will forever lose my chance with Oliver, my soulmate.

Austin sees the hesitancy on my face and takes a step closer to me. Now his torso and mine are touching. He grabs my hands and holds them up in his. Then he goes back to look at me.

He is beautiful but... I don't feel quite right to say yes to him.

"I am sorry for the way I have treated you before, I was just..." he starts but he is interrupted by the door slamming open behind us.

Diane and Oliver walk in. Oliver's eyes are smiling and Diane is giggling a lot.

The sadness in Austin's eyes is replaced by fury.

My heart ventricles start to pump pain around my body instead of blood. Why are Oliver and Diane together again, laughing about who knows what? I wanted to be the girl giggling next to him. I wanted to be the girl to discover the intricacies of the quiet introverted aloof and mysterious Oliver. Not Diane. It was supposed to be me.

Diane and Oliver's eyes fall on us. They both look at Austin's hands holding mine up.

Is this too late now? Are my chances with my soulmate forever ruined? Oliver will never date the girl his brother used to like.

Besides, I remind myself as my heart starts beating less and less, so as not to give enough blood to my brain to process the undeniable truth.

Diane and Oliver are dating, my chances with Oliver are forever ruined, I think, feeling more defeated than I have ever felt.

"I am impressed by your manners Austin, so you decided to go through the normal dating route?" he says in a teasing tone.

"Stay out of this" roars Austin letting go of my hands and advancing towards his brother.

I look up and meet Diane's eyes. I see as much hurt in them as I feel inside me.

"Why do you always need to act as if you are so much better than everybody else?" spits Austin pushing Oliver's backwards.

"You better stop now because I might just react this time" says Oliver with a tone that sends shivers of fear down my spine.

Austin looks taken aback by his brother's words too because he takes one step backwards.

"So Deity," Austin speaks with his eyes fixed on his brother.

"You were telling me you don't like Oliver, at least on that we agree" he says, piercing his brother in place with his gaze.

I am taken aback that my name is used in the conversation. I look at Oliver as I feel my heart exploding in my chest.

His eyes are now piercing into mine, his look is glacially cold. I stay put in place, not a word exits my mouth. I don't know what to say and I feel trapped by his gaze. My brain goes blank as butterflies inundate my veins. Oliver is so purely beautiful to me even now he looks dangerous.

He is expecting me to deny it or confirm what his brother said. And yet I can't even move, or answer.

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