Monday night at the library

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After I see Oliver, my mind dwells on him on and off for the rest of the morning. However I also focus on my lectures. Me, Shakill and Diane get all the same classes so I stick with the all day long. It's amazing to already have two friends to hang with the first day of school.

At lunchtime we go to the cafeteria to grab a bite. Diane once again is extremely excited to see my face the first time I see the cafeteria. 

"It's super special" she giggle. 

"You still haven't told us what you did with Oliver last night!" I remind her, and this time I am not jealous anymore. I am just in such a good mood after we have been laughing in between classes all morning. 

"Can you imagine girls if me and Oliver start dating how the media will go crazy?" she whispers and we all giggle. 

"Mystery girl finally manages to catch Oliver's heart" she finishes her sentence by sliding her hand around the air in a semicircle as we enter the cafeteria. 

Me and Shakill burst into laughter but we stop as soon as we set foot in. 

We stand blocking the passage and people behind push to get in but petite Diane as always manages to keep them at bay with a strength that is not natural for her body size. 

"Wow" I say as I take in the view of the lake and infinite hills in front of me. It stretches until the eye can see.

"I heard you" thunders a voice from behind us and then the air leaves my lungs as someone pushed me hardly from the back.

Unfortunately I know that voice way too well right now.

"Austin do you not have any manners whatsoever?" I cry in response. 

"I heard you stalker, you said you want to be Oliver's girlfriend!" he shouts and all the students in the cafeteria turn to look at me. 

I feel my cheecks turn purple and I instinctively cover them with my hand.

I hear someone laughing and my cheecks get even redder.

But then I take a look at him, and although darn if he is beautiful, he is also such an idiot I cannot stand another word coming out of his mouth. How dare him listening to a private conversation and then make it public like that?

"You are completely out of your mind Austin!" I answer back. 

I look at Diane but she is standing there motionless, like she did at the party. I am starting to believe it is Austin that has such an effect on her.

"First of all, darling, me, Diane and Shakill were talking about my boyfriend back home, Orwin. He is a really good looking guy, but regardless, it is none of your business". I say lowering my voice with each word said and then crossing my arms on my chest. 

"Let's go girls" I say and walk away. 

"Don't you dare turning my back at me" screams Austin but I don't even bother turning around and a second later Shakill is at my side. 

Diane is not.

"What are you staring at me for?" yells Austin at Diane. 

"Quit it Austin, enough" says Kewa and Austin's rage in his eyes dissipates somewhat.

I go back, grab Diane and frogmarch her towards the food station. 

I am not even able to start ranting to Diane and Shakill about what an asshole Austin is that something pops on my head. 

"Ahi" I cry out from the shock. I bring my hand to the back of my head. He throw a creamy cupcake at me.

"Austin!" Diane protests this time. 

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