The wrong couples

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My brain fires a thousand impulses everywhere and I feel on fire again.

He looks so calm and mature compared to Austin. He is wearing a plain white shirt from which his arm tattoos stand out.

I quickly lock eyes with Diane and Shakill who are looking at us with their mouths open. I know what they must be thinking with Austin being so close to me. 

I must be wearing the same quizzical look on my face because what I am thinking about is why the hell is Oliver with Diane again. What did they do yesterday night? I had naively assumed they might have just hanged out a bit, but what if they started dating instead?

Then I shift my gaze to Oliver's eyes and I feel a river of batterflies washing over me. His eyes are hypnotizing to me. Gentle and dangerous at the same time. Mature, knowledgeable, quite... the opposite of Austin.

Overtaken by panic that Oliver will notice my super red cheecks I turn to face Austin.

"You have one last chance to not irritate me. Treat me with respect or I am gone and you'll have to explain to the professor why we haven't managed to study together even once," I say quietly as my voice cracks and I feel like I am panting. 

"Fine," Austin just says in response. His voice is now return to be full of hate. 

I look at him for a moment and he is looking at Oliver with a gaze that makes my blood freeze. I think he would like to kill him. 

Puzzled, I look at Oliver and I see he is now grinning back at Austin, with a smile that leaves no doubt that he knows he'll win this fight, whatever it is they are arguing about. 

It looks like they are talking telepathically or something. For a moment the air around us gets charged with a weird electricity. I wonder if I am imagining things but then I look at Diane and Shakill and their hair is also charged as if someone rubbed a balloon against their heads. Their expressions transpires the terror I feel inside. 

"Now Austin, let's go" I plead tugging his arm because I want whatever this is to end. 

"Fine," he says as he lets me pull him gently towards the table.

Once again I get my computer so that I can start tutoring him. 

Did that just happened? I wonder as I switch on my pc. Then I notice that I can barely type in my password as my hands are shaking. My hair is sticking up straight on top of my arms which are covered in goosebumps.

"Are  you ok?" asks Austin, this time his tone is worried. 

"Yeah, why would I not be?" I lie, because I am overtaken by the same panic I felt that day in the atrium when I locked eyes with Oliver for the first time. I sense extreme danger and my gut feelings tell me I better pretend not not have grasped what just happened.

I notice Austin is more warm than any other time we have talked and is trying to make me feel at ease. But that just worsens things because each time I look at our reflection in the glass wall in front of us I see me sitting next to a dark, msytic creature. 

If he sees the same thing or not I can't be sure.

But each passing second in the rest of our designated studying hour is an agonizing second.

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