Diane and Oliver

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I walk outside the library and the air conditioning inside is replaced by the warm night air. As I walk the trail back to the school village I am surrounded only by the tall trees with the giant leaves that are trembling under the wind carried by the sea.

I walk fast because I want to see if I meet Oliver and Diane somewhere along the trail.

I get all the way back to my room without seeing them.

I am disappointed.

Only then I remember that I left the library without Shakill.

In my turmoil of emotions of anger and jealousy, I left without Shakill.

I swing back to my feet and start running all the way back to the library but I stumble upon her at the beginning of the school village.

"Sorry I left without you," I say, panting.

She opens her mouth, for a moment it looks like she is about to say something because she is mad, but then closes it.

I take her arm under mine and we start walking back together.

"Do you still have studying to do?" I ask her after a while.

"Not much, why?" she asks.

"I was just tutoring Austin, I didn't get the chance to really finish, I was wondering if you wanted to keep studying with me at the French cafè, it was still open when I passed by".

She agrees and so we stop at the French cafè at the center of the school village. Inside it's almost empty except for a few people studying scattered around.

For a while I am caught into the material of the books but as the night grows young my mind races back to Diane and Oliver.

Eventually that is all I can think about and although I am so scared of the answer I ask Shakill

"Are they dating?"

"Who?" she says and then "Ah. You like Oliver don't you?" she says more like a statement than a question.

"Yes" I confess out loud to someone for the first time.

"It looks like they are... something. Not sure if dating is the right word, but they have something going on".

"Were they together before, when I hadn't come to this school yet?" I ask.

"Well... I wasn't friend with her before, but I have noticed her hanging with Oliver a few times, especially back in middle school" Diane says, her voice has is tinted of compassion for me.

I just nod back, so jealous that I didn't even know him back then and so wishful that I could have been his friend, see what he was like.

Eventually we leave the French cafè and make our way back to the room.

As we approach my heart thumbs hard in my chest.

Will Diane be back or will she be spending the night with Oliver, is the question that keeps ringing in my mind.

As I open the door to our apartment, my jaw drops at the sight in front of me.

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