A misunderstanding

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Finally as I open my eyes the colours that blinded me before subside.

I can see again, I think as I realise I am sobbing and with that I realise that goddarn it! I am sobbing! I can make sounds from my mouth again. 

I try lifting my arm but that doesn't move. 

I look around and notice Oliver's friends are gone. We are alone in his room. 

He looks pleased with himself, he is looking at me as if I am stupid, as if he has accomplished his plan. 

"Fuck you," I manage to slur and I am so happy I can talk again. 

His expression suddenly changes at my words and his smile turns into a pained frown. 

"Everything ok?" he asks with surprise in his voice.

"Fuck you, you drugged me, fuck you," I repeat, tired and with no forces left to put any more effort in what I say.

For a moment he looks so puzzled and I look as horror fills his face.

"What? What are you saying? I thought you knew what I was giving you! I told you it was stuff to make you feel good. I thought... I thought you knew the slang. You wanted to smoke weed and then when I asked you if you wanted something to make you feel good I thought you knew what I meant. Austin was right, you didn't have a clue, Karla was right, you just did it to hang with us. It really wasn't my intention to intentionally drug you".

Suddenly the door of his room bursts open. 

"See! I knew it she was doing it to get to hang with us and look cool. She had no interest in the weed Oliver, she was just interested in you!! I knew she had no idea what she was doing! I knew it and..."

she says the girl with the violet hair without even breathing in between sentences. She looks flushed. 

"If you knew you should have let me know," answers Oliver calmly. 

"Let's go," says the intelligent guy to the girl with the violet hair, dragging her out my force as she tries to get free. 

Oliver darts towards her. For a moment I think he will ask the guy to let go of her but instead he pushes her outside while they exchange whispers. 

"Fuck you lying bitch, if you press charges I am gonna come after you," she yells as the door closes. 

The next thing I hear is the sound of the lock of the door turning. 

We are alone.

Suddenly the reality of what just happened sinks in. 

Oliver didn't drug me to hurt me or to rape me against my will. 

He offered me a drug thinking I knew what I was taking because I was acting like I did know what I was doing. 

I was very drunk when I joined them. I voluntarily took the weed. Again and again for hours.

They must have thought that is what I always do. They must have thought I joined them because I wanted to smoke. 

A memory of the previous night flashes in front of my eyes. 

Right after Oliver asked me if I wanted "some stuff to feel good" he turned towards the smart guy and asked him him if he wanted his favourite drug and then slid his finger against his nose twice. 

"Yes Oliver, give papa some of his cocaine, and maybe the new entry in our group should say thank you Oliver for giving me ecstatsy for free but she doesn't seem to care about manners right now".

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