The end of the party

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"What happened?" I ask as the Forest around me gets blurry and then slowly the blurriness of the Forest becomes the blurriness of Shakill, Austin and many other faces I don't recognize. 

"You fell down, I think you fainted," says Shakill quietly.

"Is this a joke?" asks Austin. "Did you pretend to faint?" his tone goes from caring to angry very quickly.

As all the things around go back to their original shape I feel confident enough to stand up.

I finally realize what might have been the reason for my fainting. 

Austin doesn't want us here. I knew it, but I had hoped, as Shakill said, that he wouldn't have minded. Now he'll make a scene. Oliver will get even more upset at me that he already was today. Why did I come, I ask myself in desperation. 

"See I told you she'd be back" says Austin to Kewa, which is standing next to him with his guitar still on him.

"I never doubted you bro, I knew you were right in calling her a stalker".

"And now she is making a scene" says Austin. 

"We are sorry for intruding your party. We will leave now" says Shakill, her voice is shaking. 

"Now there are two of them who will stalk the place!" says Kewa. "This was a party only for those who had been invited" he says, pushing Shakill which stumbles backwards and takes a step to stabilize herself. 

"We have been invited" I spit back, although I know it is not true, because I am growing quite annoyed with his behaviour I find it in me to speak back. 

"Phh, I was the one inviting people and I don't remember inviting you", says Austin with a smirk, challenging my preposition.

"Well we came with Diane" I say "She invited us".

"Pff" he says "Sure" and he rolls his eyes, crossing his arms on his chest. 

"Sorry Austin, I really thought it was ok," says Diane appearing at this very moment. 

"I don't even really remember inviting you," he says, with an accusatory tone.

"Hey came on man, you know Diane is cool" says Kewa. "She can come" he adds. 

"Fine where are her manners? Inviting guests to a party she is barely invited to?" 

"Hey that's enough Austin," you are too drunk! Diane can come" then Kewa turns towards Diane 

"Did you really invite those two?" he asks nicely.

"Yes" says Diane, her voice is shaking. I can see her eyes filling with tears which reflect the lights of the party in every direction, but no tears fall down.

"Austin get lost for now, please, enough. They are her friends. Please man. Leave her alone" he says getting very close to his friend's face. "We'll take care of the other two later, but let's leave Diane out of this" he says so quietly that I am the only one who can hear because I am the closest to them.

Austin smirks at me because he knows I heard. Then he diverts his attention to Diane.

"I am sorry I was rude Diane, of course you are always welcomed here, and of course you can invite your friends", he says with a gelid tone that freezes the blood in my veins. 

Then he turns back to look at me for a moment and his smirking smile promises me that even if Diane is off the hook, I certainly am not. 

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