The party at Austin's house

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"Austin and Oliver live in their parents house at the outskirts of the city. Their parents are almost always working somewhere parties are always one". Says Diane while we walk towards the place.

The warm air of the evening embraces us and dense green trees overlook us as we walk through small trails while the only illumination is provided by the moon and stars above.

I feel really nervous going to Austin and Oliver's house because I am pretty sure they will not want me there. Yet I feel drawn to Oliver in such a strong way that I need to go despite my fears.

The memories of him from before keep flooding my mind. His painted nails... his long shiny hair...The way our eyes met, the way he looked at me angrily...

"Are you sure you can invite us? Me and Shakill are not invited" I ask Diane, suddenly more worried.

"yes, we don't want to impose" says Shakill.

"They don't care how many people there are girls" she just says.

"Besides, with these dresses I am sure we could be invited to any party we want tonight".

After what seems like an interminable walk we approach Austin and Oliver's house. 

The house look different from before, with decorative lights covering the place.

Although it is night, the garden is so light up that it feels like we are in the middle of a bizarre day. First red washes over everything, then it's blue, then green then it repeats. Balloons are invading everything like foam in a bubble bath.

"Does Austin have siblings?" I ask nonchalantly, keeping up my dumb facade. Shakill and Diane look at me at the same time. Diane for the first time seems speechless and Shakill for the first time is the one that breaks the silence. "His brother is Oliver. THAT Oliver", says Shakill with an indignated tone.

"Oh, I haven't read much about him in the news. I only saw his brother popping up".

"Yeah he is not like Austin. He is quiet, aloof. Only minds his own business and nothing else", says Diane looking forward. 

"Is he as good looking as the brother?" I push.

"Oh he is on another level compared to his brother and us other mortals" says Shakill.

I have so many more questions to ask but we are suddenly agglomerated into a train of people that is traveling together in party mode.

"Austin is our king, Austin in our king" they yell at the top of their lungs as they continue in their procession.

I instinctively look for Austin around the sea of people and then I stop and curse myself, musing how entitled he is. I am supposed to hate him.

Then I think of Oliver's bare skin under the shadow of the tree earlier today, singing while everything else around him stood and listened. My stomach does a little flip on itself at the memory.

Then something calls my eyes to raise upwards. And there he is. Oliver. Standing at the top of the stairs at the entrance of his house. A girl with red hair is standing right next to him. Too close for them to just be friends. My stomach hurts at the sight and I look away. 

Suddenly Shakill is at my side again.

"Look, that one is Oliver," she says pointing where I was already looking before.

"Oh yeah, I recognize him from the pictures now," I say casually.

My attention is now diverted to Austin, which is now walking on a stage set up in the middle of his garden. "Who wants to hear my brother singing?" he blabbers incoherently ."Who, who, who?" he repeats, almost too drunk to stand still on his own two feet. His blond hair follows his movements in perfect strides.

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