Things I wish to tell you

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I saw you tonight on your bike in the restaurant... I wanted so badly to call out to you and say hello, it's been to long since I've heard your warm voice. But I couldn't. I want to send you the pictures I take of your precious daughter, but I can't. I long for your hugs because they feel safe and cozy. I want to talk to you about things and just be around you again because I miss you and I miss your laugh. It feels like you were ripped away from me because even though we didn't talk all the time, it was nice when we did. You always make me feel better when I've had a hard day. I just want to talk to you... Nothing more. Your energy is so enlightening and peaceful and I miss it. You're a very dominant person and I've always loved that about you, ever since a few days after your surgery when we met for the first time again since I was 7. I think about our time a lot. When we got stuck down the dirt road after it had rained. Or when we were laying in bed together talking listening to the baby talk to herself. I miss you.... A lot. I just wanted you to know... I hope you're doing well since it's been so long. I see you once in a while on your bike and I wish I could text you to take me out for a ride. I've always been a little scared of bikes if you want me to be honest but I feel like I may be less scared with you. But who knows. The bike is beautiful. I saw it tonight and I wanted so badly to wait for you... I want to ask you how you're doing but I know I can't. And I don't want to cause more problems then I already have. I just wish I could talk to you... That's all...

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