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Ok. You don't do that. Goooooaaaaaa. I'm going to yell at both of you and I don't know who will get it more. Ok. D- you can do so much better then that clingy, annoying, self centered, asshole you call your boyfriend. OH I FORGOT TO SAY NEEDY TOO. Holy shit man. You have more things to worry about then what HE wants to do. Like damn. Do you even know how many times you have gotten Mrs. Lewis in trouble because you just HAD to spend time together? Do you?! Every time YOU GUYS can't be found because you SNEAK OFF, she gets bitched at for it because YOU are under HER care and super fucking vision. You guys don't have to be together 24 fucking 7. You lost Zada as a friend because you ignore her for Payton and you're also starting to lose me. I'm tired of it. You guys are cute, yes. BUT YOU SPEND ALL YOUR GODDAMN TIME TOGETHER. Everyone is tired of it. Seriously. Stop.

P- You don't need to follow her around everywhere she goes. You don't need to know everything she does. STOP BEING CLINGY. Dude, not every little thing concerns you. When you spilled Sara's water, you could have gotten up and helped her clean it up right away. You sitting there and just watching her was an asinine move on your part and it made you look like an asshole. YOU should have been the one to get up and go to the kitchen and get the rag, not her. But your girlfriend was the one who had to tell you to go help. You also don't need to follow Daphne around everywhere she FUCKING GOES. You piss her off a lot too. By trying to help, you make it worse more times then not. Every time you guys go make out or go get "lost" when you're supposed to be helping with something vocal, Lewis gets in trouble. She gets bitched at because Daphne's grandparents or parents don't know where you guys are at. Lewis is trusting you to stay where you're supposed to, not go sneak off and makeout. She gets in trouble! Do you guys just not care or what the fuck? Everyone is tired of you guys always HAVING to be next to each other. You don't need to spend every breathing second together. You will live without each other. There's like a 60% chance you guys will break up before you graduate anyway. You guys are cute together you just need to learn what to do and what to AVOID doing. 

              ~Unsaid Things to a sorta sister and her boyfriend

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