Missing You...

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I miss you... I know you don't miss me but that doesn't stop me from longing to feel your touch or feel your warm lips on mine again.... You were so kind to me, gentle, and loving. When we were together the other day, I didn't want that moment to end, I wanted to stay with you like that forever. I knew when you pulled me into your lap, it hurt you, but yet, you never complained. You gently laid your lips on mine and it's never been like that before... Never been so soft or passionate. I want that again, I miss that. You make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world when I'm with you, but when we're apart... It's like I don't even exist...
               I still love you as deeply as I did before you left. I still care just as much about you. I didn't like seeing you hurt, you really should have been checked out.... But yet, you came back right after to see me and... I can't thank you enough for that. I hope I helped you in some way, because that's all I want to do. I just want to be with you again... I think about you all the time and pray for you nonstop. I want to know when you ride, I want to support you in it. I love watching you ride because it's what you love to do. I will always be scared for you, because there's always the chance you could not walk away... I want you to always walk away alive, even if you have to be rolled out on a gurney. Because that way, you'd still be alive. I miss how close we were... I miss the long talks we used to have... It was nice, we talked for 2 1/2 hours, dude... Do you have any idea how much I loved that? Just sitting on your lap, playing with your hair... It was nice... I want it again....

              ~Unsaid Things to a boy 

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