Expected Visit

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I asked you to come over tonight because you missed my concert Monday... You promised you'd be there and then I was heartbroken for the second time when I didn't see you there. I was so looking foreword to seeing you and then... You never came... No one I invited came. You, Austin, Kyler, Pastor, Ashlee, or Tommie... No one. I hope you come over tonight, we have a lot to talk about... And I just want to see you... I miss you more then you will ever realize. I hope you come, you have the day off I think, but you said you would. There won't be anyone else home, so we can talk comfortably. I miss you, your voice, your warm hugs, your beautiful eyes looking down into mine. I just want to talk like we used to, that's all I want. I want the old you back, I miss him... You're distant and I hate it... I feel like I'm always bothering you. Like that annoying underclassmen then won't go away. I just want to talk... That's all, I'm not going to try to take you away from her... You are hers and she is yours. That's all there is to it. We are just friends... I want so badly to share things with you that I get excited about. Often times I have the whole message typed out but then delete it because I don't want to bother you at work... I've driven twice, turned 4 corners, and backed up a hill all by myself... I've driven stick shift and auto... On Dirt roads and on paved roads... I miss you... I hope you show up tonight.... 

                     ~Unsaid Things to a friend 

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