So here we are

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The feeling you give me is exquisite. When I see your name on my phone, I get so happy and it makes me feel loved. I want you. I want you now and forever. I hate waiting when we both know what will happen. You're driving me crazy... I get all warm inside when we talk and I feel at home. You're such a big part of me that when we don't talk, I feel like a part of me is missing and I hate that. I love talking to you or when I see that you have sent me something. It shows me that you think of me often and even though I know you do, it just... Idk... I don't know how to put it anymore... I just want you. That's it. That's all. I just want you and your love, your laugh, your smile, your hugs, your kisses, your everything. 

If I'm being honest, I'm getting slightly impatient even though I have absolutely no right to be. But I want you and it's not happening as fast as I want it to even though we are talking like we have been together for like 4 months. I'm sorry I go on little rants, it's just that I want to show you how you should be treated. 

~Unsaid things to my best friend 

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