Some news to share

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It's been a while since I posted on here so I figured I should update. Since being on here, I have found out I am pregnant with my second child and have gotten engaged. The due date is November 2nd, so that's exciting. I have become a stay at home mom, as my fiancée works in the oil field (which will change soon as it has taken a drastic hit) I'm fairly content in my relationship. There are some things that need worked on but overall it's decent.

There are a lot of things I miss and a lot of people I think about often. You know who you are... I saw your last update, I'm sorry that things aren't going well for you and her, I hope the little princess is ok and happy. I miss you... I think about you rather often, I hope to see you one of these days. I live on your side of town now so it could be more likely. I hope you're doing ok...

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