Chapter 31: Decision

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After a week of introducing the black numbers to the tempest, I immediately initiated a meeting with all of my executives.

"Now that all preparations are done, I know this is sudden but I will be going to the Ingrassia Kingdom I have 5 children to save there" I announced

"Children?! I didn't know Great Rimuru have children!" Shuna said

"No! They are my students! students! they are not mine" I said

"Ahh~ Please excuse my foolishness," Shuna said 

Well enough of the jokes, now let's focus on the meeting

"Then allow us to accompany you" Hakurou said

"I know that we already have many human friends like Youm, Fuze, and the Kaval Trio but I don't think a human country will allow monsters to enter their nation that's why I will be sneaking in with my Human form therefore I must go alone" I said

"But Lord Rimuru our Kingdom was a newly established country if something were to happen with you then the Kingdom will fall" Hakurou advised

"I know that Don't worry I will be always on guard and I will be bringing Ranga with me in my {Imaginary Space}" I answered

"Do not worry I will be coming with him" Ranga said

"Well with that said I want you guys to do your best to keep this country glorious while I was away. A s the Queen of this kingdom Shizu - san will take charge while I was away, so support her with the best of your abilities" I declared and they answered in the same time "Yes"

"Diablo, Carrera, Ultima, Testarossa I know you guys directly serve me but since I will be away for a month do your best to protect Shizu - san as she will become my substitute as a leader of this country" I commanded


"We will be waiting for your return My Lord" Diablo said as he bows to me

"Mmm" I nodded and I averted my attention to Gobta 

"Gobta where are those three?" I asked

"I already told them-ssu they will be arriving shortly after-ssu" He said, and as we speak about them, three people entered the meeting room

"Rimuru - san leave it to us!" Ellen said

"We will escort you safely to the Blumund!" Kaval said

"Yeah leave it to us" Gildo said

"I see. Thank you" I said,

"Uhm Rimuru - san?" Shizu approached she was smiling but I felt an intense aura behind her

"What is it Shizu - san?" I asked nervously

She grabbed my shoulders and she forcefully grabs me in my slime form

"Please be always on guard while traveling with these three!!!" She said her face looks so menacing I clearly see that a part of her have some trauma traveling with these three

After the meeting was concluded I adjourned the gathering and my journey with Ellen and the others begins.

Our travel has been started it's day one since I and them left the Tempest I don't need any luggage since I have my Imaginary space that's why traveling and exploring is easy task such as someone like me, on the other hand, Ellen and the others have so much luggage I gave them accessories and items made by Kurobee and Kaijin although I know it was a waste to give them such item I am in debt with these 3 idiots and I know that they will not use these in evil deeds so in the end I decided to gave them the items. Currently, we are deep in the forest, and since in this timeline Blumund and Ingrassia don't have any relationship to us yet then it was natural that we do not have any path connecting our nation to theirs. 

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