Chapter 38: Rimuru vs Hinata

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I wanted to spend more time with the kids but the circumstances just wouldn't allow me

"Sensei are you really leaving?" Chloe asked

"We can't hold back Rimuru - Sensei forever Chloe"Ryota reasoned

"Exactly the sooner he goes the better" Alice said

The other children are consolidating with her but I don't think Chloe will be appeased by that. But I don't have anything to offer I already gave all 5 of them Shizu - san's Mask copies. Ciel - sensei modified those Mask she made them like new when the mask had its original properties {Unlimited Surpression} I don't think they are gonna use it in evil it's just a totem of protection from me so instead of giving something maybe I should console her using words

"Listen up Chloe, Sensei got a lot of things to do but if you graduate I will let you in my kingdom Shizu - san and I will be waiting there" I said

Wait maybe I should give them these if Chloe insisted a little more then my encounter with Hinata may never happen in the worst-case scenario I need to use my {True Perception} to modify the possibility.

"You will come during the holidays right?" Alice said

"Sure I will come these are Shizu - sensei and My Parting gift, I called it parting but it doesn't mean we will never see each other again." I said

I took the Equipment in the {Imaginary Space} it was a lie, of course, these pieces of equipment are made by the one and only Ciel - sensei.

Kenya got a medium sword although it was a little heavy it was modified with {Gravity Manipulation} to reduce the sword's weight speed is important in battle after all.

Next was Ryota I gave him a bow he can use his magicules to make an arrow but the bow itself has a multiplier function making the arrows he makes took fewer amount of magicules but the greatest feature was that these arrows don't affect humans I can manipulate that but I will do that once they graduate I doubt they will fight humans anyway.

Then Gale his was a shield that can take any form I made too many features in these ones making it difficult to enumerate Gale is for protecting and that is my priority I don't want these kids to fight a bloody path but I want them to at least be able to defend themselves.

What I gave to Alice was my own personal sewed Toys she can freely manipulate it using her Space Control and I Bestow a skill on the toys normally you couldn't bestow a skill on a non-living being but since I have Ascended I can basically do anything I desire now, I bestowed {Universal Regeneration} Therefore even the toy was burnt or damaged it will come back to Alice.

Lastly, Chloe doesn't seem to have wanted toys so Instead, I gave her a Grimoire and a thin blade resembling Shizu - san's.

They already have matching clothes that were sewed by Shuna, they got equipment that is whipped by Ciel - sensei, and they got the Unlimited suppression mask I don't need to worry now.

"Take care of them for me" I said to Yuuki,  I know he won't though but I just need to show a performance also I modified his sense of hearing so he can't hear any important information in my conversation with the kids.

"Please do not worry I will make sure those countries will never touch them again" He said


After giving my gifts I bid them farewell.

When I left, that is when they finally began to cry. 

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