Harry Potter Theory 1

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I just rewatched every single movie back to back, this theory might seem weird and/or unbelievable seeing as I haven't slept in 2.5 days. 

James and Lily were never truly in love ORRRRRRRR canonically trans Snape??

Okay so hear me out. As we know, when two people are in love, they share the same patronus, or when they have a "SPECIAL" relationship. James and Lily, while both being deer weren't the same. You might have just thought "Well James a boy, his is a stag, Lily's a girl, so a doe." BUT NO because Severus is a boy, but his is still a doe. This also means they had a "SPECIAL" relationship, one not even James and Lily had as a MARRIED COUPLE. Or Snape could be canonically trans but that is like SUPER unlikely, especially if the things ive heard about JK Rowling are true. But then it would technically make sense, with the "Girls have female patronus, Boys have males." Because if he was FTM then his magic wouldn't really be able to change I don't think, you can't really do any sort of surgery or anything to change what magic you produce. 

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk. Feel free to discuss your thoughts, positive or negative, about this theory in the comments! BUT if you make any rude comments about the fact I brought up the subject of Transgender I WILL delete it, that will not be tolerated here, not at all.

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