Marvel One-Shot 1 - Stucky

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Angst #39 - "It's just a dream, i'm right here."


Triggers - Nightmares

Steve wakes up when he feels the bed shaking, opening his eyes slightly, looking in his husband's direction, he saw Bucky's figure thrashing around, he shot up and grabbed Bucky's shoulder.

"Buck! Buck, wake up!" Steve cried out, shaking Bucky's shoulders. Bucky's eyes flew wide open. He gasped, trying to provide air for his lungs, he grabbed onto Steve's thigh with his one good arm, he doesn't sleep with his metal one, since Shuri made it easily detachable. "Buck, you with me Doll?" Steve questioned gently.

"Steve? Y..You're ok? A..Alive?" Bucky stammered, moving his hand from Steve's thigh to the side of his face.

"Yes, Buck, i'm right here, and I promise you, I will never leave." Steve answered, slowly dragging his hands from Bucky's shoulders down to the small of his back, rubbing small circles.

"Oh.. Oh God I thought you died! Th..They made me kill you!" Bucky began to sob, quickly retreating his hand into his hair, pulling at it.

"No Buck, Buck look at me Doll," Steve encouraged, reaching up and holding Bucky's hand between his own, "It's just a dream, i'm right here." He said. He placed a gentle kiss on the back of his lover's hand. The sobs turned to whimpers as Bucky calmed down, he moved into Steve's lap wearily, wrapping himself around his muscular build, pressing his nose into the broad shoulder of Captain America.

'It was just a dream..' He repeated in his brain, Bucky decided in that moment, he was going to be fine, with Steve's help, he would get better.

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