Rewriting TMW 1

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This will be a series of connected oneshots of Tell Me Why but how I think it should have gone. More angst, more Micheal, more trans talk, more gay. If you haven't played or seen someone play the game it will be spoiled (I personally haven't played it but I watched Ranboo play it.) My cousin and I watched it together and based on his original name being Ollie, since many trans kids keep similar names at first, we theorized that his dead name is probably Olivia so if 'Olivia' is mentioned, that's pre-transition Tyler (: Clearly this will all be Canon divergent. Also I'm only rewriting my favorite scenes not the whole thing. In this version Micheal and Tyler knew each other back at Fireweed. So Tyler brought Micheal with him when he and Alyson went to fix up the house. Micheal and Tyler are dating. Also everyone is a lot more aware of Tyler's trauma and don't ignore it, also his trauma is more intense cuz I think he would have been a lot more affected by his mother pointing a gun at his head than the game made him.

Trigger Warnings (Whole Series): Panic Attacks, Transphobia, PTSD, Guns, Murder, Attempted Murder, Child Abuse, Deadnames, Dysphoria, Self Harm, Food, Blood, Suicide, Alcohol, Nightmares,

Scene one: Arriving at the house.

Alyson pulled up to the house, stopping the car. Nobody moved to get out of the car. Micheal grabbed Tyler's hand, rubbing his thumb over his knuckles in a comforting way.

Alyson was the first to move, clamoring out of the vehicle. Tyler and Micheal followed after. The trio walked up to the door.

"Did you bring the key?" Tyler asked, holding out his hand.

"Yeah, here," Alyson held her breath as Tyler tried to open the door.

"Its not working," Tyler said.

"You sure it's the right key?" Micheal asked Alyson.

"Yes I'm sure, maybe someone just changed the locks," Alyson suggested.

"We can find another way in, Mary-Ann could never keep us out when we were younger. We had so many ways in and out of here," Tyler thought aloud.

They circled the house, finding a board covering a hole in the foundation.

"There might be a screwdriver in the shed," Micheal offers. Alyson nods. The three make their way behind the house.

They looked through the window of the red building. A scene appearing before them. Two young girls are fighting in the shed.

"Why did you take they key Olivia? Where did you hide it?" The one wearing a red sweater questions, annoyance clear in her voice.

"Under the silent frog, so he can protect it for us. So we can come back in here to play," The other whose sweater is green laughs. The little girls disappear, leaving the shed empty once again.

"Did you see that?" Alyson asked her twin.

"Yeah I did, it reminds me of our voice we used to have," Tyler agreed.

"What are you guys talking about?" Micheal asked.

"Nothing," the twins speak in sync.

"The key is under the silent frog, that one was my favorite," Tyler repeats what the little girl had said.

They find the frog statues, looking underneath the worn down one in the middle, covering its mouth.

"Here it is," Tyler says, lifting the key in the air. He moves to the door, unlocking it. He reaches for the handle. He freezes as he pulls it open.

"Mom?" Ollie called out.

"No. No! This is all wrong, you-" Mary-Ann shrieked. Makeup ran down her face as she held the loaded gun.

"Mom please," Ollie cries out as Mary-Ann reaches out her hand.

"Alyson! Alyson help me!" The child screams, running down the doc.

"Olivia, wait!" Mary-Ann shrieks, chasing after, gun aimed straight for her child.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I cut my hair I won't do it again," Ollie's hands flew up in front of the guns barrel.

"I'm going to kill you!" Mary-Ann shouts, putting her finger on the trigger. Suddenly she gasps, dropping the gun.

"No!" Alyson screams, digging the scissors into her back.

"This isn't how it was supposed to happen," Mary-Ann cries out as she falls into the water below.

"Tyler? Can you hear me Ty?" Micheals voice pulls him from the past.

"There you are, you alright man?" Micheal asks, Tyler looks up. He was now curled up on the ground, knees to his chest. Micheal was crouched in front of him.

"I'm.. I'm good. Sorry, lets.. let's get into the house, yeah?" Tyler says, accepting Alysons hand to pull himself up.

"Yeah, I'll find a screwdriver, why don't you guys go over by the crawlspace?" Alyson offered. Micheal grabbed Tyler's hand. They moved to lean against the wall of the house.

"You know im always here for you, right Ty?" Micheal spoke suddenly.

"Yeah, and I really appreciate it," Tyler replies.

"I know what went down here obviously hurt you. Its gotta be so hard coming back here again. Talk to me, ok? About anything you need to. Don't close yourself off from us," Micheal continues.

"Thanks Mike, I love you," Tyler says, pushing himself off the wall and pulling Micheal into a hug.

"Anytime man, I love you too," Michal repeats, returning the embrace.

"Got the screwdriver- am I interrupting something?" Alyson calls as she rounds the corner.

"No sorry, let's get this bad boy open," Tyler smiles, letting go of Micheal.

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