Blood Must Have Blood (part 2)

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Authors noteYou are going to hate me so bad 😂😂-----

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Authors note
You are going to hate me so bad 😂😂

The Boat

Murphy:Yo, Ahab. Come back. Get some rest.

Jaha:I'm fine.

Craig:Oh, screw this. If you're not gonna sleep, you can row.

Jaha:Get back on that oar, Craig.

Craig:Or what? We don't even know if we're going in the right direction anymore. We followed that drone across the open ocean. Hell, we deserve to die out here.

Murphy:It's okay, it's okay. I'm good to go. I can row.

Richards:Land? Land!

Richards laughing.


all laughing.

Jaha:How does an Island of Light sound to you, John, huh?

there is a thud as something hits the bottom of the boat.

Richards:Damn it!

Craig:What was that?

Jaha:Get that oar. Get that oar.

Richards leans over the edge of the boat to retrieve the oar when another thud sends him over the edge into the water.

Craig:Richards! There's something in the water!

Jaha:The oar!

Murphy tries to pull Richards back into the boat, but a creature surfaces, growling, and drags Richards under.

Richards screams.

Murphy:My arm. Oh, my arm.

Craig:I don't see it. Where is it? Richards! Richards!

Murphy:What the hell was that thing?

Jaha:We need to row. Now.

The creature once again slams into the bottom of the boat.

Jaha:It's back. Hold on!

Craig:Where is it?

Jaha:Craig, row. Row, Craig!

Craig:Where is it?


The boat is filling with water.

Jaha:Craig, row!

Craig:We're gonna sink. We're all gonna die. We're all gonna die.

Murphy:I can do it. I can row.

Jaha:Go! Go! Row!

Craig screams as Jaha throws him overboard.

Murphy:Hey, what the hell is wrong with you? Get off of me! Get off of me!

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