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Murphy trying to remove the cuffs.

Titus:Now you've had time to think, shall we continue our conversation about this?

Titus shows the C.O.L chip.

Murphy:I already told you everything I know the first 10 times you asked me.

Titus:What you told me doesn't make any sense. How did a Sky Person come to be in possession of our most holy symbol?

Murphy:Holy? It's a corporate logo.

Titus attempt to choke Murphy

Titus:Wrong. This is the sacred symbol of the
commander to whom I've dedicated my life. Now, how did you get it?

Murphy:Again, Jaha gave it to me.

Titus:This would be Chancellor Jaha.

Murphy:Yes. He told me it was the key to the City of Light and that if I swallowed it, the woman in red would take me there.

Titus:The woman who's not a woman.

Murphy:Yeah. That's right. She's a computer program, but I get that's hard for you to grasp, considering you pray to garbage, no offense, obviously.

Titus:Tell me more about this computer program that ended the world.

Murphy:Come on. I don't have any details, Ok? On the Ark, they just told us it was countries, politics. Big surprise, they were wrong.



Becca:Science log, day 128. The A.I. basal control module continues to malfunction.

Becca speaks a non-English phrase

Assistant:Twitching again,I thought I had that under control.

Becca:The neural interface is the key to everything,If we don't crack that, then we might as well go back to the A.L.I.E.code and start again.

Assistant:We can always ask her.

Chris appears on a motoring screen

Chris on intercom:Becca, it's an emergency,I need to talk to you right now.

Becca:Speak of the devil.

Chris:Becca,I need to talk to you.

Chris:Becca, she got through the BlackICE encryption...

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