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Siya didn't believe that talking with someone new was this easy. Even though she didn't ask much but Vivek still revealed to her some funny secrets between the friends. After a mere conversation, Vivek felt like family to her. She felt that everything related to Abhi was pleasing to her now. First it was his family and now his friends.

Soon Prateeksha came with a tray of snacks which were Vivek's favourites and his butter coffee.

"So you met my daughter in law. What do you say how's my son's selection? ", Prateeksha  nudged Vivek's shoulder.

"I must say you got a twin in the name of daughter in law. She is just like you beauty. ", he said playfully.

" Now don't tell me idiot you are gonna flirt with your sister in law too. Let Abhi see you and kill you alive", Prateeksha warned playful.

"Oh my god. Do you think I would dare to. I don't want to summon his wrath. And after all when I have you beauty why should I flirt with my sis in law. ", hearing this prateeksha pulled his ear for his naughtiness.

"Aahh its paining aunty.... Aaah", he acted as it was too painful.

" You really deserve it. Idiot. Now eat. " Vivek happily ate all the dishes kept on the table as if he was deprived of food for a whole week.

"Slow down. Otherwise food is gonna get into your empty brain. ", Ishita moved the glass of butter coffee to his side showing her tongue outside mocking him.

" Now tell me when are you gonna bring me another daughter in law? ", Vivek choked on her question. How will he tell her that the daughter in law that she was wishing for is pushing other girls to him and she herself is after other man.

He felt so hopeless now after living on with this hopeless and unrequited feelings.

" Oh single life is the best. I won't allow anyone to spoil my funky bachelor life", he replied.

Just then Abhi entered the room and got surprised by Vivek's sudden visit.

"Your business trip finished early? ", he asked as it was supposed to extend more days.

" It finished earlier than expected. So I came back. ", Vivek replied.

He diverted his gaze to Siya who was sitting on the chair.
" How are you feeling now? ", it was a simple question but was full of concern.

" I am better. "

"What happened to Siya. I didn't know anything? Why didn't you tell us", Prateeksha asked out of concern.

" No mom it was just a head ache and now I am alright. ", she replied back

"Good. Take rest then dear"

Siya smiled back and sat there with Ishita.

After a while Abhi asked Vivek to come with him to his room.

The whole happy vibe changed drastically into a serious one as they entered Abhi's study.

"Now tell me the truth. Why did your business meet ended so early. Wasn't it supposed to end after some days? ", Abhi knew something was wrong with the whole early return thing. And moreover it was a business deal concerning their product which was result of their partnership.

" We didn't get the deal Abhi. "

"What? How is that even possible. Up to last minute it was in our hands. Then what the heck did suddenly happen. ", Abhi couldn't believe that they lost a deal. It never happened before atleast for the past three years.

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