Confronting the root

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Finishing our last day of school was surreal yet freeing . We were closing a chapter of our lives and truly beginning to live . The hallways were filled with loose papers and graduates cheering and chatter of prom . I couldn't help but be excited for prom and graduation but more so for the upcoming trip to Italy . Just me and my men on the beach and all the food and wine we can  have. Q and Pj come running up to me all excited and cheerful . 

Im so proud of you guys I mean I thought you were both just deadbeats in the back of the class. Now Pj is graduating third in our class and going to medical school .Q is going to be helping me with my business and going to college .Me starting a whole business off of planning one of the most important events in black culture . 

Well let that first part slide cause you gave us such great compliments (Q)

You forgot two things ....One we are all smoking hot and we are all together . Tonight we celebrate like never before (PJ)

Before we celebrate we should probably handle that issue .Lets walk into our new lives with no baggage or at least as little as possible.(Q)

What issue ? oh Your Father (PJ)

Q is right we should confront him about letting Kareem out . 

I have to go to the shop to check on my little brother .Ill make it quick and then we can all go over (Q)

I think im gonna go to my moms I think she will probably want to come .PJ will you come with me ?

What kinda question is that id go anywhere with you (PJ)

I promise ill make it quick and ill meet you guys over there(Q)

Tell him I miss him and his appetite 

Q gives both his men a passionate kiss and gives Terrence a long look to assure him he will be ok. He gets in his car and drives over to the shop reminiscing on that day the rich boy with the bad attitude came into his shop . 

Yo bro I don't know how you did this everyday my body aches all the time (Zay)

You gotta pace yourself little bro and you got a boyfriend have him rub you down (Q)

He's apart of the reason im sore (Zay)

How are you and Daniel ? (Q)

Bro im scared ....he loves me so much and I love him more than I can explain .Im not stupid though we are only 16 and the likely hood of us being together forever is low but...(Zay)

Stop overthinking stop predicting the end before you even really begin . Love is a crazy thing but its also rare to find it . If you truly love him and he loves you fall for him and give it a chance . (Q)

I love him so much I dream about him (Zay)

You been blushing ever since I brought him up (Q)

Speaking of falling its about time you fell for Pj the romantic  tension between you two for years was ridiculous (Zay)

what are you talking about we never had any tension (Q)

Yeah ok whatever helps you sleep at night .Leave it up to you to luck out and get two soulmates . (Zay)

Enough about me how is mom ? (Q)

She's good I guess ....The new job allows her to come home a lot earlier and she seems happier .(Zay)

Whats wrong ? (Q)

I don't really know her I mean I have memories of who she was but I don't know her now. Its like living with a stranger even her food doesn't taste as good as I remember . (Zay)

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