The wait

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It's crazy to think it's been three weeks since Q and I started talking . I thought the sex was amazing . What was even more amazing was his company for Sunday dinner . He brought me flowers and a bottle of wine . That he refused to tell me how he was able to get since he's under age. Then i showed him my fully stocked bar because i have an uninvolved parent . Speaking of it was time for me to give him my monthly call . I highly doubt he will actually answer and just as i thought . His assistant Ashley answers .

Hello Mr. Howards office how may i help you

Hey Ashley it's Terrence is my dad in ?

Yes I'll forward you to him

Thank you

Hey son how's it going ?

Good good how's work ?

Very busy i was planing on coming home soon but seems like i won't be back for another two weeks .

Damn another two weeks

Yes sorry son but you know how to take care of yourself . You wouldn't let me keep the staff there .

No I'm a regular person why would i need the staff here .

So you can just relax and not have to do anything .

I'm not that lazy why are you so busy .

Son we talked about this work comes first so we can live the way we're accustomed to .

Work before me ?

No son it's not like that how about this I'll send you on a trip next month .

Send me why wouldn't you come ?

Well after these two weeks i was going to take Ashley on a trip .

Ashley of course your fucking your assistant

Don't talk like that I'm still your father . We're dating and i want to take her on vacation after this closing . You wouldn't want to go with us . So why not send you on your own trip it will be spring break anyway .

Fine I'll take the trip but i wanna take a friend .

Friend since when do you have friends ?

He's a new friend his name is da i mean Quan he fixed my car .

Fine where you wanna go ? Anywhere you like

I'll tell you later thank you dad

No problem son we will spend time together soon i promise .

Yeah sure bye dad

By son

He always wants to bribe me with trips and stuff . I usually don't take them but being away with Quan sounded like a dream . I can't believe I'm stuck on him like this . I Cant believe the things I let him do to me . I'm so easy for giving it up like that . I mean he took it but i could have fought back . What am i going to do i need to keep my mind busy . I got dressed and got in my car . I know exactly what to do . I went to the secret gay lingerie store . I wanted to get some stuff for this trip hoping he would want to go . I got leather underwear , ass less underwear, and some fish net ones . I got us both matching silk robes too . Money was never a problem with me . My dad always made sure my account was overflowing. I guess to make up for lack of parenting . After the lingerie store i had nothing to do . I went home and just went to sleep . My empty bed i wish he was with me . I woke up abruptly hearing my phone ring . It was him i almost broke my neck trying to get through my phone .

Hey baby what you doing ?

Nothing just a little bit of shopping . Im not gonna lie I've been thinking about you

Ive been thinking about you too . I can come over around 10pm and ill spend the rest of the weekend with you.

I like the sound of that ...Hopefully ill see more than the ceiling or my pillow .

If only you are so lucky

Why are you doing this to me ?

Doing what ?

Making me fall for you i was going crazy today missing you

Me or my dick ?

I just want you here

I'll be there soon baby it's 8:30 be ready for me .

Ok daddy Once I get back home I start getting ready . I couldn't decide what to wear I wanted to save the underwear for the trip . Knowing how he is he will just want me bare ass and thats exactly how ill be . I put on my silk robe, I felt so dirty just waiting for him . I decided to cook for him he is a regular person not one of those snooty kids . So i made him some steak and potatoes with a salad . A real mans meal i hope he likes it . I set the table dim the lights and lit some  candles . I heard his car come in the driveway and i felt my stomach flip and my heart race . What was this feeling i had never been this excited to see anyone . I undid my robe and answered the door .

Hey baby

Ooh you such a naughty boy

Only for you daddy

Someone been horny all day

I've missed you so much you were right i hated you being gone .

I knew you missed me i felt it in my heart .

Awe that's so sweet i cooked are you hungry ?


For food or me ?

Both but food first

We both sat down and began to eat i was stuffing my face trying to rush so we could fuck .

Slow down I'm not going anywhere and neither is the dick . How was your day ?

It was ok i guess i spoke to my dad

What did you talk about . Where is he actually? You in this big ass house alone ?

He works in New York he puts work before everything . It's work sex money then me .

Damn kind of father is that ?

He's not a father he's a glorified sperm donor.

What about your mom ?

She is a mental institution apparently she tried to kill him and he had her committed .

Your parents never around you just do what you want huh ?

Yeah even when i was bad my dad never cared just made me go away .

So you never got disciplined ?

Well until you no

Explains a lot well you will getting a lot of spankings to make up lost time .

Daddy please no you be tearing my ass up .

You are turning me on so much right now all i can think about is spanking your naughty ass right now and then fucking your hot ass .

The fucking part sounds amazing the spanking part I'm scared. Why do you like spanking me ?

I like to dominate I like the balance of pleasure and pain and submission. I'll fuck you every day all day long . But when your bad i will punish you .

Sounds sexy and painful. Is the food good .

It's amazing you can really cook .

I'm glad you like it . I have a surprise for you .

What is it ?

I'll tell you depending on how well you fuck me tonight .

Is that a challenge ?


Challenge accepted

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