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My phone buzzes and I see that i got a message from Sarah .

" hey i went by your place to pick up the mail and you got a letter i think you need to see"

She sends me a picture of a long letter

" My sweet boy Terrence I hope all is well . Now that you are old enough it's time you know the truth . Your dad has been lying to you this whole time . I know you believe I'm in here for trying to stab him for cheating but that's not it . Your father had a problem with his hands . You never knew but me and your father used to hit me all the time . I never left because i wanted you to have a home both parents together . I was tired of your father hitting me so i decided to fight back . I took up boxing and karate . We got in a huge fight cause i found out he was stealing money and making bad investments . He hit me and i fought back . Let's just say your father learned that day not to mess with me . He called the cops and told them i was abusing him . He had me sent to this institution to keep me quit . He knew if people found out he was a woman beater he would lose everything . So he sent me here so no matter what i said no one would believe me . Now it's different you can get me out of here. Your dad can't stop you now . I understand if you don't believe me or trust me but you needed to know the truth .

Love your Mother "

I drop the phone in shock

Baby what's wrong what just happen ?

My mother she sent me a letter . My father lied about more than i thought . He always lies I'm not surprised .

But now you can get her out you can see your mom again .

Yeah when we get back that's the first thing i want to do .

Why don't we go back now ? Don't you want some time with your mom before you have to go back to school . If we leave tonight you can have two days with her.

What about our vacation?

As long as i am with you I'm happy .

So much thanx babe I can't believe my Dad when i see him ima fuck him up.

No one would blame you either but i don't want to have to fuck your dad up if he hits you .

My mom i can't wait for you to meet her she was my rock for so long until my dad had her sent away . She encouraged me to start my business . After she left i kinda shut down and got really shy . Now that i have you and I'll have her back i feel invincible.

You are invincible you have gone through a lot especially since being with me . I will never let anyone hurt you ever again i promise . I hope your mom likes me .

Your a little different than what she expected for me .

What a guy ?

Not even that just so cool

Everybody needs alil thug in there life . Especially one good with there hands .

Are you talking about cars or something els ?

You choose

You are so damn sexy how can you be my boyfriend

Cause your beautiful inside and out .

I found the love of my life after he spanked my ass .

A wonderful story to tell our kids isn't it
Hey dad how did you meet daddy ?
I spanked his ass into submission

Not funny but i love you

Not as much as i love you .

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