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We pull up to his house it was nice small house .

I know it's not a mansion like yours but it's something

It's a castle cause my king lives here

Your so cute now my lil brother can be a lot sometimes don't get overwhelmed ok .

I'm sure he's amazing he is related to you . He pulled me in for a kiss then his little brother comes out .

Eww get a room if your gonna fuck your boyfriend

Zay what did i tell you about cursing apologize right now .

I'm sorry hi I'm zay I've heard a lot about you .

You have really i hope it's been all good .

More like a lot of moaning he moans your name in his sleep sometimes .

Zay really i should light your ass on fire

Seeing the fear in the boys eyes i laughed . Stop i think it's cute you think about me in your sleep .

He talks about you all the time unless mom is around .

Wait does your mom not know about us about you .

She told me to keep my life private and that she doesn't want to know about it . So i keep her in the dark about everything. Plus it's not like she is around for me to care about what she thinks .

Sounds like my relationship with my dad accept he doesn't care that's the difference.

Well let's not talk about them after i get my brother together i wanna take you out . I claimed you as my boyfriend but never treated you like one .

Yes you do you fuck me like your boyfriend . I get close to him and whisper in his ear . You spank me like your boyfriend .

You damn right i do . Now zay have you done your homework?

Yes it's all on the table for you to check .

Good is your room clean ?

Yes sir and i did all my chores

Good boy what do you want for dinner and make it easy i wanna take my baby out .

I'll cook for him what do you want zay

I don't care my brother told me how well you can cook .

Oh did he now well he's right I'll make you some good home cooking .

Oh and Q i need to talk to you about something .

I go into the house it's nice and simple . I go into the kitchen and start cooking . Is chicken Alfredo ok ?

Oh my gosh yes that's like my favorite meal . Mom used to make it when she used to cook that bitch .

Q Smacks him

Don't talk like that especially about mom . Now what is it that you need to talk to me about ? If you got in trouble in school i will spank your ass so hard you will dream ain't sitting down .

No that's not it there is this boy that i like in school . He likes me to we have been talking for a wile he wants to take me on a date but i want you to meet him first .

You regard my opinion that much ?

I mean your more than my big brother you basically raised me . I want you to check him out make sure he just want to have sex with me .

Yeah I'll meet him you know I'm gonna interrogate him . I didn't even know you liked boys you have never talked about it .

I wasn't sure i didn't know what the feeling was . It wasn't until i heard you talk about T that i knew what it was .

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