Chapter 4

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Rhiannon gasped, dropping her sword. "What's wrong, princess?" the Yiga spy laughed, "Suddenly you're not as strong, are you?"

"Where is my father?" Rhiannon hissed, "Answer me!"

"Link's body can be found buried in the Gerudo Wasteland," the spy answered, "that is if the wolves haven't eaten it yet."

Out of pure fury, Rhiannon slashed the Yiga spy with her sword, killing him instantly. "Dori!" she called, "Dori, we have to go to the Gerudo Highlands!"

"Rhia!? What's wrong?!" Dori gasped as Rhiannon sobbed uncontrollably, "Are you okay? What's happening?!"

"T-They killed him!" Rhiannon replied, "The Yiga Clan killed my father!"

"Stop playing, Rhiannon!" Dori said, containing her tears, "You know I hate games!"

"I'm not playing!" Rhiannon sobbed, "His body is buried in the Gerudo Wastelands! We have to go there!"

"We can't go dressed this way!" Dori said, "It's very cold out there!"

"We can't lose any time!" Rhiannon said, "What if he's still alive?!"

"You're crazy!" Dori gasped.

"Rhiannon has already taken too long," Link sighed, sitting by the fire, "should I go get her? I could just wait at the entrance."

He got up from his seat and walked towards the gateway. "No signs of her," he sighed, "she must've stayed at the inn."

Link headed back inside and booked a bed for the night. Meanwhile, Rhiannon and Dori ran across the desert, heading towards the Gerudo Wasteland. "We're going to freeze!" Dori shouted. "Father!" Rhiannon sobbed, "I'm coming!"

"Rhiannon!" Dori pulled her into a halt, "What if it's a trap?"

"You're seriously going to stand here and come up with incoherencies?!" Rhiannon gasped, "My father is dying! He's probably dead by now! I'm not stopping until I find him!" she then resumed running, "Mother will be so devastated when she finds out!"

Dori took a deep sigh, then followed her friend. "Remember," Rhiannon said, "if you get lost, just look for Divine Beast Vah Naboris, ya hear me?"

"Loud n' clear," Dori rolled her eyes. It took them almost all night, but Rhiannon and Dori finally reached the Gerudo Wasteland. "Come on," Rhiannon commanded, "start climbing."

"Hylia, why me?" Dori said under her breath. The sun began rising on the horizon, the first rays of sunshine began appearing. At the top of the mountain next to Divine Beast Vah Naboris, Rhiannon noticed the view. "Wow, look at that view," she gasped, "I've never seen Hyrule from this angle."

"Your father?" Dori said. "Father!" Rhiannon called, "Father! Are you here?!"

"Master Link!" Dori called as well, "Can you hear us?"

There was nothing as far as their eyes could see, just the scattered remains of monsters and Guardians. "Rhiannon!" Dori gasped, "Over there!"

She pointed towards what seemed like a body laying upside down. "Father!" Rhiannon gasped, "Father, it's me! It's Rhiannon!" She ran towards him. "Rhiannon! Wait!" Dori called, falling behind her friend. As she stopped to gasp for air, Dori looked up to see figures moving towards Rhiannon. She later made them out to be Yiga soldiers. "Rhiannon!" Dori shouted, "It's a trap!"

When Rhiannon reached Link's body, it disappeared. She was then surrounded by Yiga swordsmen and spies. "You may have taken one of us down," one of them said, "but when you get rid of one, more of us come out!"

The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule's HopeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora