Chapter 5

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"What to wear?!" Rhiannon said as she rummaged through her wardrobe, "Aya is coming over, I have to look nice! I have nothing to wear! Do I wear a gown? Do I wear pants? Should I wear full armor? I wish Dori was here to help!"

Rhiannon noticed a pile of dirty laundry next to her bed. "Maybe if I spray it with perfume..." she said, taking something from the pile, "...Nope! Not that!"

She headed back to her wardrobe. "Ugh, I guess I'll wear a stupid gown," she groaned, reaching for a blue gown with golden embroidery, "do I also wear my tiara? Ugh, I hate wearing that thing..."

"Rhiannon!" Zelda knocked at the door, "Lady Aya is here! Are you ready?"

"She's here already?!" Rhiannon gasped, "Um, I'm almost ready!"

"Hurry up!" Zelda commanded, "I do not want her to be waiting!"

Rapidly, Rhiannon slid into her gown, forgetting it had to be tied from the back. "I'm ready!" she said. Zelda noticed how Rhiannon struggled to keep her gown together. "Oh, Hylia... Turn around, Rhiannon," she sighed. "Mother, don't put it to ti--Ah!" Rhiannon gasped when Zelda pulled the strings in the back, "I can't breathe, mother...!"

"Don't be so dramatic," Zelda scolded, "You will be fine!"

Rhiannon took a deep breath, trying to fill her lungs with air. "Also, why are you not wearing your tiara?" Zelda asked, "It is your symbol of royalty!"

"I'm not wearing that thing at all times, mother," Rhiannon said, "you said it yourself before, that thing is sacred! It's better where it is right now."

"Oh? And where could it be?" Zelda inquired. "Under a pile of dirty clothes," Rhiannon replied carelessly. "Rhiannon!" Zelda gasped. "I'm kidding!" Rhiannon said, "It's in its box! Geez..."

The princesses then headed towards the santorum. Rhiannon's heart was beating faster and faster with every step she took. "Calm down, Rhiannon," she thought, "you have to calm down."

When they entered the santorum, Rhiannon's heart sank to the bottom of her chest when her gaze landed on Aya. "Lady Aya," Zelda said, "I am so happy to have you here today."

"Thank you for having me here, Princess Zelda," Aya bowed. "H-Hi..." Rhiannon stuttered nervously before clearing her throat, "Lady Aya, it is good to see you again."

"Princess Rhiannon," Aya nodded, "we meet again."

Rhiannon let out a nervous chuckle. "Pull yourself together, Rhiannon!" she thought, "You're embarrassing yourself!"

"Rhiannon," Zelda said, "why don't you show Lady Aya the castle and its surrounding areas?"

"Gladly!" Rhiannon said at once, "Lady Aya, follow me if you please."

Aya obeyed, following Rhiannon outside. The two Gerudo soldiers that had accompanied Aya followed after them. "So," Link said, "did you see how Rhiannon acted?"

"I am unaware of what you are talking about, Link," Zelda said. "The way Rhiannon started getting nervous around Lady Aya?" Link chuckled, "You're telling me you didn't notice that?"

"Link, for the last time," Zelda sighed, "Aya and Rhiannon are just friends."

"Very close friends, I'd say," Link added, "and that is just based on what Rhiannon has told me."

"No, no," Zelda said, "Rhiannon cannot be in love with another woman."

"Why not?" Link asked, "There's nothing wrong with that! Rhiannon has never shown interest in boys, you know it!"

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