Chapter 38: Rhiannon's Lullaby, Part 1

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The day after leaving the Spring of Power, Link took the gang down to Lurelin Village. "Why are we down here again?" Rhiannon asked. "Hey, champ, listen," Link answered, "you need a break. You've been working too hard since you resurrected. You need to sit down and relax."

"Relax?!" Rhiannon gasped, "I don't need to relax! There's still so much to do! We have to go find Joji's Beast! A-And that witch Ratna is still out and about hunting us! And you're saying we should lower our guards and relax?!"

"Why don't you go join Dori to play beach ball?" Link suggested, "Take your mind off all of this, champ. An overworked soldier is not a well-performing soldier."

"Ugh, fine," Rhiannon rolled her eyes. She walked over to the shore where Dori was playing beach ball with two young villagers. "Oh, hey, Rhia!" Dori smiled, "You wanna join?"

"Sure," Rhiannon shrugged. They stood next to Dori, watching how she would return the ball across a long fishing net. Rhiannon would only touch the ball when it came towards them, but the rest of the time it was Dori who would do all the work. "Come on, Rhia!" she exclaimed, "We're down by 8 points! I'm doing all the work here!"

"I-I'm sorry," Rhiannon said, "I'm just worried... Joji's Beast could be detonated at any time..."

"You have to relax, Rhia," Dori sighed, "what's the worse that can happen, anyway?"

There was a loud explosion. The booming echo resonated in every corner of Hyrule. "What is that?!" Rhiannon looked up to see a red light beam shooting towards the sky, making the skies turn blood red as fire began to rain. "It's happening!" Rhiannon cried, "It's happening! It's too late!"

"Rhiannon? Rhiannon!" Dori shook them vigorously, "Wake up!"

Rhiannon opened their eyes to realize it had all been a hallucination. The skies were bright blue, the sun would make the sea sparkle, and everyone around continued as usual. "W-What happened?" Rhiannon stuttered, "D-Didn't you hear the loud explosion? O-Or the light beam?"

"I'm pretty sure you imagined all that," Dori answered, "you're too stressed that your mind is beginning to make you hallucinate. You have to relax."

"I can't relax!" Rhiannon argued, "Joji's Beast is still out there! What if that witch Ratna is behind it too?"

"Ratna Schmatna," Dori groaned, "We can deal with her later!"

"Maybe I need a drink or something," Rhiannon sighed, "Daron!"

"Yes, princess?" Daron approached them obediently. "Bring me a palm fruit drink," the princess commanded. "Right away, Your Highness," Daron then walked away in search of palm fruit. Rhiannon let out a deep sigh before joining Link underneath a palm tree, resting their head on their hands. Dori returned to the beach ball game without a problem. "Here's the palm fruit you requested, princess," Daron said, handing Rhiannon a palm fruit with a straw through it, "I hope it is of your liking. General, would you like a drink?"

"No, thanks," Link answered, "as you were, soldier."

Daron walked away towards the entrance of the village where he had been standing guard since the group's arrival. "I don't know what got into Daron but ever since he stopped obsessing over you, he's become so efficient," Link said, "I only wish he had been like that 25 years ago."

"He mentioned that he changed his mind when Joji told him he wanted to kill me," Rhiannon answered, "I kinda like this new Daron, he's matured in a way."

"Indeed," Link nodded as Rhiannon took a sip of her palm fruit. Across the beach, Zya tried to get Aya to walk into the sea. "I promise I will not let you go, Aya," Zya said, "I will be holding on to you."

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