Part 11 - Why, Polar Bear?

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The thought stayed with Tay for the rest of the day. Both of them had been subdued, quiet as they pondered their next steps. It bothered him that New felt it necessary to cut himself off of everything that gave him joy.

If he found no happiness in acting, then why was he still doing it? Or was he happy acting, it was having fans that was the problem?

Tay had a real hard time accepting how troubling it was for New. He had never experienced anything like it, other than a few flash mobs, here and there. Were those NOT to be expected? Fans wanted to see them live and up close...

He needed better insight into New's mind, he decided. He picked up his phone, turned it on and headed into the bathroom. After carefully closing the door and turning on the shower, he called Gun. After all, Gun knew almost everything about this business!

"What's up, Dude?" Gun's voice was so cheerful, Tay couldn't help but smile.

"I need some advice..." His voice trailed off, now not sure where to start. "Umm, it's not about me."

"Sure, sure," Gun laughed, "It's a friend of a friend. I got it. Just ask. If I can help, I will. If not, maybe I can send you to a person who can."

Tay drew in a shaky breath and spit out the whole story. About how he didn't understand the toxic fans who threatened actors, the need for personal bodyguards and why wouldn't a company hire any after death threats. Why would an actor not quit if the situation is that bad?

Gun was silent for a few minutes. "You've got Newwie, haven't you? It's okay, I won't tell anyone. G-TV has called everyone looking for him. I do mean everyone, dude. Watch your back."

Tay could hear him sigh. "New makes a lot of cash for a lot of people, not just the company. His manager is fucking rich off him, that pays a lot of people down below. The company has pulled in millions of bhat off him in merch alone, again, that pays salaries for many people. They can't afford to have him leave. You think New don't know this?"

"Pay attention, Tay, because you will be in his shoes one day, very soon, I think." Tay heard a door slam. Gun yelled to someone else, "Give me a minute, I'm on the phone with Tay. Sorry about that. Look, it's a heavy burden but it's his. And if you are with him now, like I think you are, do you want that responsibility too?"

"Fuck, Gun, I think I've fallen in love with him."

"Damn it, Tay, you're an idiot. We've all known it except you two. We've had bets on the five 'w's" of the situation and how long it would take for you guys to admit it." Gun's happy voice was back. "We just didn't expect it to take another girlfriend scandal to do it."

Tay groaned. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Oh hell no! You're quite possessive. Plus, those questions you were asking were quite telling." Gun paused and then asked, boldly, "Can I tell people?"

"Fuck no! I am not possessive!" Tay smiled softly to himself. "Jealous, probably. Although, if it was my choice, I'd say hell, yes though," Even Gun heard the soft sigh clearly. "New would kill me if it got out in the media."

"I knew it!" Letting his deeper thoughts show, Gun said slowly, "So you really want to help Newwie? Dude, you can't, except by staying by his side. And being exactly what he needs, when he needs it."

"I got it, okay. I got it." Tay scowled. He didn't like that but he understood.

"Look, think of what happened with Art and Mew a few years back? WE still don't know if they were a couple or not, but watching that play out on the net was horrible. And I don't think either of them have recovered from it, not totally. Fans are weird when it comes to their biases."

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