Part 15 - My Sad Polar Bear

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Tay waited, and waited. He had made up his mind. He was greedy. New had broken from the stress he had placed on him. Tonight would be all for him. Whatever he needed, whatever he wanted, he would give him. He would take nothing. Only give.

Still, time passed. New never came out of the bathroom. He could hear the water running. Did something bad happen? Should he check? It was his turn to gnaw on his lip. It swelled as he came close to drawing blood.

As time drew close to an hour that he was in there, Tay's control snapped. New NEVER spent that long in the bath. NEVER!

Throwing the duvet off, he dashed to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "New? Are you alright?" Receiving no answer, he opened the door.

His heart plummeted to the bottom of his stomach. New was curled up in a tiny ball, shivering under the cold water, with blue lips and great, gasping sobs shook his body. Careless of his clothes, he pulled him from the cold water.

"Oh babe, what's wrong?" Tay whispered, gently wrapping him in a towel. He sat on the floor, holding him tightly, rocking as if he was a child.

New tried desperately to regain control, to stop the sobbing. He couldn't. His throat was raw. His eyes hurt. He was so cold but he knew he wasn't in control either. He shook his head and buried his head into Tay's warmth and cried even harder.

Why did being comforted make him cry even more? I'm so pathetic! He moaned, as Tay rocked him. "I'm so pathetic."

"No, you're not. You're strong and brave. You're beautiful. You're the man I love." Tay tightened his hold. "Everyone cries sometimes, Newwie." Oh fuck! What did I say wrong?

New pulled free of his hold, his body stiffening, so ashamed for saying his thoughts aloud. Wiping his face with the back of his hand, he squared his shoulder and keeping his gaze low, "I'm better now." Slowly, stiffly, he forced himself to stand.

Also standing, Tay reached out and held his hand, holding New in place. "Let's get you into bed before you get sick." He gently tipped his chin up, forcing him to look him in the eye. "But please, can we talk tonight?"

"I don't know..." New turned and tugged his hand free. "I'll think about it."

Tay watched him leave, sadness in his heart. Why won't you trust me? What do I have to do to earn it?

New was tucked into bed by the time he got back, which was good. His lips were starting to turn nicely pink. His eyes were so sad, the smile Tay had quickly fell. Tay realized that for the first time, since he had arrived, there was music playing softly in the background.

He paused to listen to the lyrics and his heart cracked even more. What was he feeling? What was he trying to tell him that it was this song? Why was he playing it on repeat?

He crawled into bed next to him and pulled him back into a tight hug. "New, I won't make you do anything you don't want to. But I really don't understand unless you help me too." He dropped light kisses on the top of his head. "Please help me." He fought back tears, knowing it wouldn't help for both of them to be crying.

"Shh..." barely above a whisper, limp in his arms, "Just listen. I need this right now."

English was something Tay struggled with, but the song on repeat helped, so did the simplicity of the song.

Come on, baby, dry your eyes
Wipe your tears
Never like to see you cry
Won't you please forgive me?

I wouldn't ever try to hurt you
I just needed someone to hold me
To fill the void while you were gone
To fill this space of emptiness

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