Part 26 - Who hurt who, Orca?

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New groaned. He was cold. Again. Lately, he was always cold. He stretched, trying to get feeling into his extremities and his right foot hurt. "Owe! Fuck!" 

Carefully, he tried to open his eyes, but that hurt his head. Wincing at the pain, he finally got them open. He gasped at the sight.

The beer cans everywhere! He turned his head and saw Tay, laying next to him. His arm was the weight across his thighs, pinning him to the floor. Once he saw him, the memory came flooding back. Well, of turning his back... and then nothing. 

What happened after? He pushed Tay's arm off him and pushed himself to stand. He moaned in pain. His body not just ached from the cold but it HURT! His head hurt and he couldn't put all of his weight on his foot. What happened last night?

He slid on his butt closer to to the counter, and using the leg that didn't hurt, leveraged himself to an upright position. He blinked, trying to clear his head. "I need my medication." On one leg, he bunny hopped over to the bedroom and dry swallowed his pill. 

Then his body functions kicked in. He stank. He smelled of beer and sour alcohol. He needed to pee. The combination between the two needs was overwhelming. 

New shook at the thought of another confrontation with a drunk Tay, knowing he was this way because of him, but he needed that shower. He checked the time. The lawyer would be here at noon. It was obvious now that TAY hadn't read his email. 


Double Fuck.

He shook his head. Things no longer mattered between them anymore. They didn't make a good They were simply good co-workers who had an affair. He limped to the bathroom, refusing to look, no matter how much he wanted to, at the snoring lump on the kitchen floor.


"You left me! You ran away, just when it was going good!" Tay screamed at New, who he hadn't seen in six months, in public at the awards banquet. "Why'd you do that?"

New just ignored him and waved at the fans, stiff as a board. His smile never reached his eyes, the way it had when he was with him, alone. Even when he was angry, he had emotions, they showed in his eyes. 

Tay moaned softly and sat up, covered in sweat. Dream. It was just a dream, thank goodness! Where was he? He looked around the small space for New. Where the fuck is he? He knew he had him, as he passed out. That much he remembered. His head drooped, it hurt so badly. 

Groaning, he struggled to his feet, empty beer cans rolling and clanking as he tried to stand. His whole body ached. His arm hurt badly. He bent his head to look, and it was scratched with dried blood. Did New and he fight again? 

Why didn't he remember? His belly turned, as the alcohol rolled and soured. He bolted for the sink and threw up. Over and over, his stomach heaved, as the sweat poured from his skin, leaving him shaking and weak. 

He ran the water, rinsing the sink. The sound was loud, ringing in his ears, hurting. Why did he drink so much. HE couldn't remember why... 

Slowly, gently, to not make the pain worse, he dropped to his knees and pulled out a recycle bag. Then, still on his knees, he carefully began to pick up the beer cans, wincing every time they rattled too much. His belly twisted again, as the soured smell of beer wafted from the empties. 

Urgently, he stood up and once again bolted for the sink, stomach heaving. Nothing but bile but he couldn't stop the dry heaves. Out of every pore on his body, sweat ran. His clothing was drenched so he stripped them off, letting the air cool his body. He sank back to the cool tiles, head between his knees, wondering if he was dying.

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