The talk

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Br:so do you got a boyfriend?
P:no actually
Br:when did your last relationship end? if you don't mind me asking
P:it actually ended the week of prom
P:ya, legit the worst time to be in a break up
P:so how about you, got a girlfriend? Last relationship?
Br:I never had a girlfriend
Br:ya, it's a long story
P:well I have time *she laughs and so does Brent*
Br:ok I'll tell you
*They were eating breakfast, Brice was 10, Blake was 8, Brent was 6, and Lexi was 3*
Brm(Brent's mom):so Lexi, when you get married, what do you want it to be like?
LR:that wedding from the movie
(She was talking about the movie Steel Magnolias)
Brm:ok, what about you Brent?
Br:I'm not gonna get married
Brm:what about a girlfriend?
Br:I don't need a girlfriend
Bl(Blake):your gonna be a loner
Br:you don't even know what a loner is Lexi
LR:well neither do you
Br:atleast I don't act like I do
LR:what does loner mean then?
Bl:someone who is alone
Bri(Brice):I think Brent will be someone who focuses on his career
LR:no he's gonna be a loner and regret his words
Br:shut up Lexi
LR:mom! Brent told me to shut up
Brm:Brent don't tell Lexi to shut up
LR:*sticks her tongue out at him*
Br:Mom! Lexi stuck her tongue out at me
Brm:Lexi don't do that
LR:who's the tattletale now
*end of story*
P:wow, you and Lexi must've never got along
Br:ya you could say that
LR:morning brierson, what ya doing?
P:ya, what are you doing?
LR:we're all gonna go to the beach, wanna come?
LR:then hurry up, *she runs out of the room*
*then Brent and Pierson run out too*
𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚗𝚘𝚠, 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚝

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