Screw Cupid, its Lexi the match maker

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LR: *she looks around the room to throw them off* I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with Pierson
Br: I'm not doing that
LR:you have too
LH:you got no choice
Br:no no no
*everyone except brierson were saying they should do it*
P:(in a whisper) I don't think they'll let us back out of it
Br: I guess we gotta
*she nods*
Pierson POV
Is it weird I have butterflies in my stomach? We're probably just gonna talk like the best friends that we are but who knows  what's gonna happen
Brent POV
I honestly don't know what's gonna happen,I mean Pierson gave in so I did but what if we kiss? Or something else happens? I'm kinda freaking out or who am I kidding? I am freaking out
Nobody's POV
LR:hurry up lovebirds
P:where are we going?
LR:over there *she points to a coat closet*
Br:oh how romantic *sarcastic*
LH: oh you want romantic, go to Paris
*he rolls his eyes and they go inside the closet*
P:so um, I can't believe Lexi made us do this
Br:ya, she's crazy
P: she really is crazy, I mean there really was no meaning f-
*she got cut off by Brent's lips crashing onto hers*
Brent POV
Honestly, I don't what I was thinking, ok I did, I was thinking how beautiful she looked and how much I've been wanting to do that, and ya that kinda sounds creepy but I'm in love with her but instead of swerving me, she kissed back it was crazy
*they pull away*
Pierson POV
I can't believe that happened
Nobody's POV
LR:I bet something happened
*they leave the closet and approach everyone
Br:we talked
P:that wasn't necessary
LR:I think it was but whatever

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