going really well

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They arrive back at Brent's house and when everyone see them, you can see the hope on their faces.
B:are you back?
They intertwine fingers and lift their hands up to show everyone
P:we're back
everyone smiles and they have a group hug, it'll be normal again


It's been a month since everyone's favorite couple got back together. It was going really well.
LR:so I was thinking we could go on a little shopping spree?
LH:you said shopping, I'm in
LR:perfect, Pierson?
P:ok sounds fun
Lexi grabs their hands and pulls them out the door with her. They went to a few shops and got a few little knick knacks and decided to head to a little coffee shop.
LH:so I haven't heard the bexi news in a while, what's up?
LR:um nothing much, we're still together so that's good
LH:ok, now brierson tea
LR:yess, I need to know
P:um well idk were together
LH:well ya, everyone knows
LR:tell us something we don't
P:you know everything basically
LR:sometimes I wish we were to wait
LH:we tried. Remember?
LH:of course you don't
P:maybe we should head back now
LR:ok, I'm planning on wearing this tomorrow
Lexi showed them some jeans and a white crop top that had some flowers on it
LH:it really is
LH:wait, guys?
LH:prom is coming up
the lexis both stare at Pierson
they look at each other then back to her

Hey, sorry it's been awhile. School is back in session but I'll try to post more. I'll be doing a long road trip soon so you'll probably get a few parts then. Also I always forget how I put them in high school so I'll try to keep that in there.

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